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CITY OE.SANTAANA <br />RFP NO,: 16-125 <br />OC STREETCAR DESIGN REVIEW SUPPORT <br />2. The individual must demonstrate that he/she has personally suffered social disadvantage. <br />3. The individual's social disadvantage must be rooted in treatment, which he/she has experienced <br />in american society, not in other countries. <br />4. The individual's social disadvantage must be chronic, longstanding and substantial, not fleeting <br />or insignificant. <br />5. The individual's social disadvantage must have negatively affected his/her entry into and/or <br />advancement in the business world. <br />6. A determination of social disadvantage must be made before proceeding to make a determination <br />of economic disadvantage, <br />B. "economic disadvantage" <br />1. The individual's ability to compete in the free enterprise system has been impaired due to <br />diminished capital and credit opportunities, as compared to others in the same line of business <br />and competitive market area that are not socially disadvantaged, <br />2. The following criteria will be considered when determining the degree of diminished credit and <br />capital opportunities of a person claiming social and economic disadvantage: <br />With respect to the individual: <br />• Availability of financing bonding capability <br />• Availability of outside equity capital <br />• Available markets <br />With respect to the individual and the business concern: <br />• Personal and business assets <br />• Personal and business net worth <br />• Personal and business income and profits <br />IV. Submission of DBE information and ongoing reporting requirements (post -award) <br />If there is a DBE goal on the contract, consultant must complete and submit the following DBE exhibits <br />(forms) consistent with consultant DBE goal commitment within the specified timelines. Even if no <br />DBE participation will be reported, the consultant must execute and return the form: <br />1. "monthly DBE subconsuitant commitment and attainment report summary and <br />payment verification " (form 103) <br />The purpose of this form is to ensure consultant DBE commitments are attained, properly <br />reported and credited in accordance with DBE crediting provisions based on the capacity the DBE <br />performs the scope of work/service. This form further serves to collect DBE utilization data <br />required under 49 efr, part 26, <br />The consultant is required to complete and submit a, form 103 to the authority by the 10al of each <br />month until completion of the contract. The consultant must submit its first form 103 following <br />the first month of contract activity. Upon completion of the contract, the consultant must <br />complete and submit a "final: monthly DBE subconsultant commitment and attainment report <br />