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VOILIrm Licensing <br />Enterprise Agreement State end Local <br />Not for Use aA h Microsoft Business Agreement or Microsoft Business and Sorvices A,greomenl <br />This Microsoft Enterprise Agreement ("Atgreernent") Is entered into between the orttities identified rin the <br />slgnature form. <br />Erffectivo date. The affectivedate of ihls Agreement is the earliest effective date of any Enrollment <br />entered Into UndOr this, Agreement or the date Microsoft. accepts this Agreement, whlohever fs earlier,,Any <br />reference in this Agreement or an Enrollment to a "day' means a calendar stay, except references that. <br />specify `'buainess day" <br />This Agreement consists of (1) these Agreement.terims and caridiWns, Including any arhendments arW <br />the signature form and all attachments Identified therein, (2) the Product Terms applicable to Prcrdtiots <br />Ilcensed under this Agreatmeot, (3)1he Online Services Terms, (4) any Affiliate Enrollment enlerOd into <br />Wider this.Agre.ernent, and (5) any order sul)MItted tinder this Agreemont; <br />Please note: Documents referenced In this Agreement but not attached to the signature form may be <br />found at kt2:1/yuytr micro ,oft,caml1fcensIngL2ntracts and are incorporated' .In this Agreement by <br />reference,, inclUding the t'roduct Terms and Use Mghts. These. documents tray .contain additloral terms <br />and cottdktions for f'ioclucts licenser! under tll s Agrearnent and May bo cIn aged frons tinge to Brno. <br />Gustalxiei .&Iroufd review such daCtlmanfs_ caroftlkly ;b'ot11 at the:tinte, of signing' and perio&L3fly thereafter, <br />a11d fully widerMand all terms and cor�dittahs applicable to Products licensed. <br />Terms and Conditions <br />1, Definitions. <br />"Affiliate' means <br />a. with regard to Customer, <br />(i) any ,government agency, department, office. Instrumentality, division, unit or =other entity <br />of the state or local government that is supervised by or is part of Gustoimor; or whl0h: <br />supervises Customer or of Whtoh Customer is a part, or w hicl) ''is tinder comriian <br />supeevisltin with'CUstoniei; <br />(Il) any-OpUrity, borough, cornmonweelth,, city, n)gnit}Ipality, tower, township, special purpose <br />district, or other similar type of governmental. Instrumentality es6blished kay t}1a laws.of <br />Customer's state and located within Customer's state jurisdiefion and geographic <br />boundaries; and <br />(Ili:) any other entity in Customer's slate expresslyauthofted by the laws of Customer's state <br />to purchase tinder state: contracts; provided that a state .rand its Affiliates shall 'Apl, for <br />purposes of this deftnitfon, be considered to be: Affiliates of. the federal rdoverameni and <br />IN Affiliates; arrd <br />b. with regard to Microsoft, any legal entity that Microsoft owns, that owns Microsoft; .or that is <br />tinder common ownership with Microsoft;, <br />"Customer' means the legal entity that'ltas entdredinto this Agreement vrilh M. W6oft; <br />"Customer Data" means all data, including all text, sound, softare, image, or video files that :pre provided <br />to Microsoft by, or on behalf of, on Enrolled Affiliate and its Affiliates through use of Ort<Ilitp Se 1040 : <br />"Enrolled Affiliate" means an entity, either Customer orany one of Customer's Affiliates that has entered <br />Into an Enrollment under this Agreement; <br />EA2fl15Agr(US)SL(3(ENG)(Aug:015) Pane 1 of 1i <br />Oocurnpnt X201-12o5a <br />