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"Enrollmont" rr,eans the (lacunlent that art Enrolled AfCillate submits under this Agreement to place its <br />initial order; <br />"Enterprise" means an Enrolled Affiliate and the Affiliates for which it is responsible and chooses on its <br />Enrollment to Include in its enterprise; <br />"Fixes" means Roduct fixes, modifications or enhancepients, or their derivatives, that Microsoft either <br />releases generally (siuch a.s Product servico packs) of provldes to Customer, to. address a specific issue. <br />"License" means the right to downlosd. install, aocess and use a Product. For certain Products, a <br />Llcense may be avaliable on a. fixed terns or subscription basis ("Subscription License"), Licenses for <br />briline.S'ervloes will be considered Subscription licenses; <br />"Microsoft" means the Microsoft Affiliate that has entered into this Agreement or'ari Enroilmenrand its <br />Affiliates., as appropriate; <br />"Online services" means the Microsoft- hosted servlcos identified as Online Services. in the Product <br />Terms. <br />'Online Services Terms' means the additional terms that apply to Customer's use of Online Services <br />pubfished on the Volurne Licensing Site and updated frons time to lime. <br />"Product" means all products identified in the Product Terms, -such as.all Software, Online services and <br />other web -based services, Including pre-release or Beta Versfobs. <br />"Product Terms" meads the document that provides Information about Microsoft'E?rntdrrcts olid <br />ProfOssional Services available through volume licensing. The Product Terms docum.f rt is pubfistied on <br />the WWrna Licensing Site and is updated from lime to tirne. <br />"SLA`' means Service Level Agreement, which. speciffes the minimum service level for Online. Services <br />and Is published on the Volume Licensing Site, <br />"Software" means licensed copies of Microsoft.sof€ware identified on the .Product Terms. Software sloes <br />not'include Online. Services, but Software may be part of art Online Service,, <br />"Software Assurance" is an offering by Microsoft that provides ridw version rights and other benefits for <br />Prodi bts as further described in the Product Terms. <br />"Tracie Secret" means Worrnation that is not generally known or readily ascertai€?ableto #Eie public, has <br />economic value as a result, And ItAs beets subJect to reasonabfe steps under the blreumstances to. <br />maintain its secrecy; <br />"use" or "run" means to copy, install, use, Access, dlsplay, run or otherwise interact. <br />"Use Flights" means the use rights lir leans of 'service for each Product .publishes{ on Etre Volume <br />Licensing Site and updatad frorb 'time to time. The Use Rights supersede tha" torula of� ahy end. user <br />license agreement that accompanies a Product. The Use Rightsfor Software are°ptrtallshed by Microsoft <br />In the Product Terms. The Use Rights -for Online Se:rvioes aro published In the Online Services Terms. <br />"Volume.Licensing Site" means oris successor site. <br />2. Hots the Enterprise program works. <br />a. General. The Efiterprise program consists of the terns and conditions on Whlch ars Enrolled <br />Affiliate may Rdqui e. F'reidilct Licenses. Under the Enterprise programs, Customer acid its <br />Affiliates mayorder Licenses for Products by entering into Enrollments. ' <br />b. Enrollments'. Tho Enterprise progral'o gives Customer and/or Its Affiliates the ability to enter <br />into -one or more Enrollments to order Products. Subsorlptton Enrollments may bre available <br />for some of these Enrollments. Wwrithstanding :any other provision of this Agreement, only <br />Enrolled 'Affiifates identifled in an t nroftentWill be responslble fdr complying with the ter yrs <br />of that Enrollment, including [he terms. of tin's Agreement Incorporated by reference in that <br />Enrollment <br />FA2015Agr(U8)8LG(EKG)(Aug=5) P040:2 of I1 <br />o0Cunie.ntX20:1201 5 <br />