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A-2017-021 <br />AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROFESSION .. SERVICES <br />L,LiLLfLd.d ` _,� ON AN ON -GALL BASIS <br />. <br />THIS r-1GRE'EMENT is niacle and entered into this 7th clay oC February, 2017 by Scientin Consulting <br />Group, lnc., a Cali.furnia corporation. ("Consultant"), and the City of Santa Ana, a Charter city and <br />municipal corporation organized and existing runic,, tile Constitution and taws of the ;tate of California <br />Ci <br />RECITALS <br />A. Cir, November 15, 2016, the City issued Recluest for proposal No. 16-1.40, by which. it sought <br />consultants to furnish information technology (IT") p€ofessional set -vices ota an on-call basis. <br />B. Consultant s'Libmitted a rospunsiue proposal that was among seven selected by the City. Consultant <br />represents that it is We and willing to provide the services described in the scope of work t1lat wwas <br />included in RFP leo, t6-140 and attached herein as Exhibit A. <br />C. In undortaking the performance of this A.©Eeemerat, Consultant represents that it is knowwl� d -,cable <br />in its field and that any services performed by Consultant under tlhis Agreement will be performed <br />in compliance wuitli such standards as may reasonably be expected from a professional consulting <br />kinn in the field. <br />NOW THE.REFO E, in consideration of the r-nututtl and resp(tctive promises, and subject to the tetras <br />and conditions hercinafter set forth, tiro parties axed as follows.: <br />1. SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />On an as -needed basis, and at the .pole discretion ofC'ity, Consultant shall furnish U professional consulting <br />services as described in Exhibit A to this A�rGea-r€ent. Consultant's proposal is incorporated by reference <br />as though fully set forth herein. When that need for a temporary tculmology service arises, the City nary <br />contact any or all of the Consultants selected for art a'grecrnent under UP 16-140 throriglz the Order Proecss <br />cautline:d in Section 2 below, <br />2, ORDER PROCESS <br />W herr the need fora tornporary technology sc;rvice arises, the City may contact any or all of the C'onsttltatr.ts <br />aw-arded an agreement pursuant to UP No. 16. 140, City will provide the assignment detaiis and necessary <br />clualificadons to the Consultant and a point -of -contact for the assigntrrrento <br />a. The CiVs point -of -contact is available to answer any questions Consultant(,) may have <br />On the assignment, the qualifications, exper�et%eiskill level needed, desired pay rate, etc. <br />b. The Consultant(s) will conduct a search (if necessary), matell and c(trtrlify process skills <br />(iticlucling te;chiiology assessment, personality assessment, reference cliecics, etc.) to identity qualifwd <br />potential candidates, <br />G. The Consultant(s) will provide the City's point-oC co ntact with resumes of qualified <br />potential candidatcs. <br />cl. The Consultant(s) will provide the. City's agrceMeni Manatot r with the proposed bill rate <br />f <br />t eaC11 praterrttrrl ctrn(J€date. <br />e, (gotta the candidates offered l}y the Consultant(s). the City may elect to telephone or in- <br />person interview %lath one or more of'the potential candidate.(s), The city's point-orccrntac;t will ,get. in <br />