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tOLIC11 With tlnc C011Sl.aitfint(5) to o: 01"T: rant arraangements. <br />f. The City will select the candidate whose skill and expericnce best snatches the City's <br />needs M -1d who has tho iowust total cost to the City, <br />91 W1.1caa tllQ City has identified the Candidate that it wished to etig,wc and has ter}tifieti tl7e <br />Consultant, tile, Consultant will r:ondrrct background cliecks, and cotaiirm candidaw availability, iaitere-st ill <br />tlac; 011,(Yagement and acceptance of the terms and cortditio€ns of the terms oferagagema ,-nt with tlne City, <br />h. One the Consultant Inas completed the checks and confirmations, the Corastlltfant .u.i.11 taotify <br />the City and tinal details will be wvofked out. <br />I. ThQ City Agreement manager will send a confirming electronic email mossace to the <br />C onSL111k1 at US basal coanflimi ation of the. cn--AgQlnieant. <br />j. Aber a candidate has been accepted but prior to the beginning the engagement, the <br />Consultant will inforn-i the candidate on pertinent Consultant business procedure: (e.g. time r-epotlial;, <br />requesting tirne off, personnel benefits, etc.) <br />k. After an erag,agetnntnt starts, the Consultant will monitor their personnel's performance on <br />a periodica basis to ensure their continuillg fit with the City and the City's satisfaction. <br />3. COMPENSATION <br />Consultant is one of seven CornSultMts selected to provide, IT professional sca-vices on an <br />as-needQd basis. Consultants have been selected pursmant to a 0ornpetitive UP process <br />(RFP No, 1E-140), The total funds for all 17 professional services provided by all severe <br />Consultants is a. collective amount not to exceed t4reQ million dollars (S3,000,000) per year <br />fi-ar a total collective aanoauit not to exceed twelve million dollars (S12,000,000) if all of the <br />extensions are utilized, C.'ORSUlt'satlt Understands and acknowledges the Collow�ring: <br />(t) City neither warrants nor guarantees any onulimum or maxitnaurn <br />c;otmpernsatiorn to Consultant under this Agreement, It is possible that City may not utilize, <br />Consultatnt's services at all, and <br />(2) COa Mlltaint shall be paid only fear 'ICtUatl services laerfoirried under this <br />Agroetmetat at the rates ?and charges identified in the order process but not to exec.ecl the <br />panamcters malined in Constlkant's Certification and proposal Iteann. Pricing, attached <br />hereto as Exhibit B. <br />b. Payment by City shall be inside Manin forty-five (45) clays following receipt of proper <br />invoice,: evidencing warp performed, subject to City accounting procedures. Payment meed <br />not be made forwork that fails to meet the standards ofperforrraaance set forth in the Recitals <br />which may reasonably be expected by City. <br />4, TERM <br />This Agreement sh alI c0tra7lence on the date stetted abov and continue throe ah, FcbrUary ti, 2014, <br />unless terminated 4mrher in accordance with Section 17, below, Th.e ter al of this Agreement may be <br />extended fear three (3) rine (l) yt�:ar petiods upon a writing executed by the City iManager and the City <br />Attonwy, if the Agreement is m <br />extended, all terms and conditions, including pricing shall remain the: sante, <br />aild aptaly during tlae extended tertras, <br />+-Exhibit C orConsukailt's €)I•cst7O�,M in response m a2FT No. 16-1Lt7. <br />