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WOrkfrs' co€lPonsation or to undertako se1C insurElnce. Prior to cornnienci€ g the <br />leer#i��r irttr ee Of 1110 W017undo this A rQ.-mena, Coiisu[tam wrrees to obtain and anaintaii3 <br />11 <br />'my e€7lployer's liability insurance with limits not loss than 51,000,000 per saucident. <br />(i. If Consultant is ut' e111ploys 4a licensed professional such as an arvhitect or engineer: <br />ProFessional liability (c;r-rors and ornissions) insatrance, with a cambined single liz-nit of z of <br />less than `1,000,000 per claim. with $2,000,000 in the saggr•egtatu. <br />e. The following requirements apply to the insuraaaice to be providtrd by Consultant pursuant <br />to this scction: <br />(k) Consultant shall niainttain all insurance regt.aired above in full fbrce and <br />effect for the entire period covered by this A retment. <br />(ii) certirleates of insur"1€.1ce; shall bQ funl'€shed to the City upon execution or <br />this rAgre.-ment and shall be approved in form by the City Attcamey. <br />(iii) Certificates and policies shall state that the policies shall riot be canceled or <br />re!&ced in coverage or changed in any other- m ttcrial aspect without thirty <br />(30) days prior written aotice to tine City. <br />(iv) Consultant shall supply City with a fi,€lly eXeeuted additional insured <br />endorsem.ent. <br />f. IFCorlsultant rails or refuses to produce or Maintain the insurance rQgt red by this section <br />or fails 01, refaases to Furnish the City with required proof that insurance has been precured <br />and is in force tarxd paid for, the City shall have the right, at the City's election, to tenraina.ue <br />this A mement. Such tea-r-ni_raati41'shall IAC)t affect Consultant's right to be plaid for its time <br />and n-Weaials expended prior to notiiic21tion of'teurn.intaticrn. C011SUlttarat waives the, right to <br />receive Compensation and agrees to indt rmnify the City for any work perfotned prior to <br />approval of insurance by the City, <br />8. HOLD FIARI'VILESS/1NDENINIFICA'TION <br />To the f€€llost extent permitted by lav, Contr;ac:toshall indcn-mify, d6end, and hold harmless the <br />City, its officers, agents, employees, Consultants, special counsel, and representatives from liability: (1) for <br />personal injury, damages, just compensation, rtstitratiot�, judicial or egUitable relief tarising out of,as <br />far itliury, irtc udiag do ath, arad elair-ras for property dramgge, which may atise Frorn the neg'Iigcnce <br />or willtaal Misconduct oFthe Consultant or its, subcontractors, agents, employees, Or ether persoais acts€� <br />on their <br />behalf which rcltates to the services dcscrilyed in section I of this Agreement, and (2) from tarry <br />c;lsaim that personal irajany, clartla�;es, Just co€t�laMlsatioru, restitution, judicial or CClU1tab1e relief is due by <br />reason ol'the terms of or effcc;ts arising fl•orn this Ararcernent. This indernnity and hold. harrarle.s4 �greeaxr�nt <br />applies to all elbeen i'u ert.cxta =es, just compensation, restitution, judicial or equitable relief suffered, or <br />cafle ecl to have been sufferecf, ley ro4lsort of the events referred to ill this Section car by reason aCthte terms <br />of, or effects., arising Crom this Agree€raCnt, The Consultant further a.g ees to indomnif"y, hold harmless, <br />and pay all costs for the dere se of the City, including fees tan(I casts <br />for special eaunsei to be selected by <br />tlr City, re�Fardii�� any �tCli€at� by a third party � lz4i(len�it�� tltC validity of this r�l;roen��tlt, �t asserting that <br />PQI-5011611 InjUry, damages, .lust r.canlpealsation, restitution, judicial or equitable t clicuf dote to personal al. <br />property rights arises by reason of the terms of, or ef(=eets tarising Froin this Al;Treomeat. City ttaa.,v rrurakce all <br />reasonable decisions with respect t` its represealt,16011 ill any legal i�roc:ecding. Consultant's <br />4 <br />