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indemnification obligations in this socti oil shall "'ury I ve, expiration of thts A grecinent, Notw I thstand I ng the <br />0 <br />f0FCg0i11_V-7 to thQ eXtClIt COnSUItant's Scrvices are sub , ject to Civil Cade Section 2782.8, thi.-,, above <br />indemnity shall be limited, to the extont rQqL6red by Civil Cole Section 278.18, to claims that arise out of, <br />pertain to, or rebate to the negligence, ro::1dessnQSS, or willful rnimndUt Of d1C CQ11-9Ult2r1t <br />INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDEMNIFICATION <br />Consultant shill defend, indemnify, and hold harinles,'i City, its officers, agents, representativez, <br />and em <br />ployees against any ind gill liability or losses, including costs and attorney's fees, for infringement <br />of any United Staters' letters patent, tradtn-iark, or copyright, gilegecl or contained in t1w work product or <br />doournents provided or used by Consultant under this Agreemcnt, <br />10. RECORDS <br />Consultant shall keep records and invoices in connoction with the work to be performed Linder tl- rs <br />Agrternerit, Consultant shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to the costs incurred <br />under this Agreement and any services, expenditures, aired disbursements chair ed to the, City for a <br />minimurn period ofthree (3) years, sir for any longer period required ley law, from the date: of final payment <br />to Consultant under this Agreement. All such records and invoices shall be clearly identifiable, <br />C011SUItant 811a111 allow a representative of the City to examine, audit, and make transcripts or copies of <br />such records and any other documents created pursucuit to this Agreement daring regular business hours. <br />Consuttant shallallow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings, and "activities related to this <br />Agreemeat t7or a period of dirte (3) years frown the date of fin -al paYinent to Consultunt cinder- this <br />Agreement, <br />=1 <br />11. CONFIDE NTIA-L IITY <br />If Consultant receives from the City information which due to thO MLtUr' Of Such information is <br />reasonably understood to be confidential anchor proprietary, Consultant agrees that it shall not use or <br />disclose such information except in the ptrformancc of this AgrtrQrnerit, and further agrecs to exercise the <br />Same degmo of cart", it use's to protect its own inforTnation of like irnportance, but in no event less trail <br />reasonable care, "Confidential Tnfbiination" shall include all nonpublic information, Confidential <br />irif'ormation include., not only written infoiniation, but also information transfm-red orally, visuaity, <br />electronically, or by other means, Colafidential information disclosed to either party by any subsidiary <br />and/or agent of the other party is covered by this Agrecinent. The fbmgoirig obligations of noir-USCand <br />riondisclosurc shall riot apply to any iaformation that (,-z) has been disclosed in publicly available sources; <br />(b) is, through no fault of the. Consultant disclosed in a publicly available source; (c) is in rightful <br />Possession Of ffic Consultant art obligation ol:'confidenfiality; (d) is required to be disclosed by operation <br />oflaw; or (0) is independently developed by the Cousultant without reference to infori-nation disclosed by <br />the City. I <br />12. CONFLICT OF ri-ITERES T CLAUSE <br />Consultant covQnzint3 trait it presently has no interests and shall not have interest--,, direct or <br />indirect, Which would conRict in any manner with the Perforl-nance of services spccified urider this <br />Agreement. <br />