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13, iN,70TICE <br />Any not tcnd,-r, dernartd, doIi,,ery, or ether cc) ni€7 unication pursuant to this Agree€ lent shall be <br />in writing and shall be. dQcme i to bQ properly gives if cWliver-ed in person or mailed by first class or <br />certified mail, postage prepaid, or sent by Rv,, or other telegraphic communication in the manaer provided <br />in this Section, to the following persons: <br />To City: <br />Clerk of the City Council <br />City of Santa Ana <br />20 Civic Center Plaza (tib -30) <br />P'0. Bax 1985 <br />Santa Arca, CA 92702-1988 <br />Fax 714» 647.6956 <br />With courtesy copies. to: <br />ChriefTechnology Innovations Officer <br />Informadon Technology Department <br />City of Santa Ana. <br />20 Civic Center Plaza <br />Santa Ana, CA 92702 <br />And <br />City Attorney. <br />City of Santa Aria <br />20 Civic (,enter Plaza, &T-29 <br />Santa. Ana, CA 92702 <br />Fax (714) 647-6956 <br />To Co=lttant: <br />Scientia C€ ngUlting Group. Inc. <br />1591 South Sinclair Street, Suite B <br />Anaheim, CA 92806 <br />Fax <br />A party may change its address by giving)- notice in writing to the other Party. Thereafter, any <br />communication Miall be addressed and traraasrnitted to the new atldrt• ss. If sent by mail, co MuniCRtion <br />shall be effective or deemed to leave; begin given three (,3) days after it has been deposited in the United <br />States n -mil, duly registered or certified, with postage prcpanid, and addressed as set forth above. If sent by <br />fax, communiQ ation shall be effective or deemed to have been given twenty-four (24) hours after the time <br />set forth on the tmnsniis.sion report iSSUCd by thk transmitting facsimile machine, addressed as sct forth <br />above. For purposes of ctalc:ulating these tinge frames, weektnid:s, fcder,al, state, County or City holidays <br />shall be exclLrded. <br />