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SECTION II ® SCOPE OF SERVICES & <br />SCHEDULE <br />Work products stemming from the Work Plan described in this section will include the following: <br />■ A memorandum summarizing the fee methodology options <br />a The draft and final Fee Study or Fee Studies <br />DTA has an enviable reputation for producing high quality work in a quick and efficient manner to <br />correspond with even the most aggressive project schedule. DTA's clients also receive high levels of <br />personal attention from senior staff, with a Managing Director or other senior management always <br />available to meet with public agency staff and other groups. <br />TASK 1—EVALUATE CURRENT DIF PROGRAM <br />DTA will review and evaluate the City's current DIF program, including review.of General Plan, level of <br />service, Capital Improvement Programs, existing levels of development, projected future growth, and <br />all other required data, for discussion during the Kickoff Meeting in Task 2. <br />TASK 2 —ATTEND KICK-OFF MEETING <br />DTA staff will meet with City staff in an initial kick-off meeting to finalize the details of the Work Pian; <br />discuss the current DIF program, potential fee methodologies, and best practices; identify needed and <br />available information (i.e., reports, project/needs lists, stakeholder groups, data, etc.); determine period <br />of time to be examined in Fee Study; prepare final schedule; discuss the public process; and resolve <br />other concerns as appropriate. <br />TASK 3 — REVIEW AND CONFIRM DEVELOPMENT PROJECTIONS <br />DTA will review Southern California Association of Governments Regional Transportation system <br />growth projections, as well as other sources, such as the City General Plan, existing Master Plans, the <br />City's Transportation System Improvement Area DIF, the U. S. Census, and the State Department of <br />Finance. DTA will consult with the City Community Development Department to ensure growth is <br />consistent with the City General Plan and projections. Also, DTA will survey and compile results to <br />determine development Impact fees charged by ten similar cities within the region, with at least four <br />from Orange County. <br />TASK 4 - REVIEW FACILITY /CAPITAL NEEDS AND LEVELS OF SERVICE <br />This task entails review of the facility and capital needs required to serve the new development in the <br />study area projected in Task 3. DTA will use existing City materials (and any relevant developers' <br />facilities reports) as base documents and focus our effort on updating this information. <br />In order for any fee program to be comprehensive in its scope, it is necessary to complete a thorough <br />identification and review of all the facilities which will be impacted by additional growth, including those <br />already discussed in the General Plan or CIP. This task will require close coordination with all <br />appropriate City departments. <br />Subtask 4(A) — Survey/Interview City Staff <br />DTA shall survey/interview City staff to review projected facilities in the City, along with major <br />equipment needs, the timing at which improvements will be needed, and any physical data that <br />would assist ih developing the costs estimated below in Subtask 4(C). Based upon the results <br />of the surveys and interviews, as well as the City General Plan, DTA will verify and, if <br />appropriate, expand the list of new facilities to be financed through the DIF Program. <br />Subtask 4(B) —Facilities List <br />City of Santa Ana — Proposal for Development Impact Fee Study August 3, 2016 <br />David Taussig & Assoclates, Inc. Page 16 <br />