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SECTION II M SCOPE OF SERVICES & <br />SCHEDULE <br />d3 I <br />Based on the information collected in Subtask 4(A), DTA shall prepare a facilities needs list that <br />details the new facilities and equipment needed to serve new development in the City. <br />Subtask 4(C)•— Review Cost Estimates <br />DTA's engineering and technical staff will, as necessary: consult with City department heads j <br />and/or engineering staff or equivalent to ascertain and understand in-house cost data for existing j. <br />and projected facilities and equipment; apply appropriate inflation and cost of living escalators <br />to the list of projected public facilities to determine future costs; review and/or refine existing <br />cost data; examine major sources of revenue to fund construction of new public facilities; and <br />provide.a proportional.esdmate between projected costs for new facilities and projected revenue <br />from mitigation fees and other sources. 3 <br />Deliverable: Needs List t <br />TASK 6 - DEVELOP METHODOLOGY FOR CALCULATING NEW FEE AMOUNTS <br />This task entails developing the methodology used to establish the fee amount to the extent appropriate. ? . <br />There are two critical issues that must be considered in developing a fee program. The fee program <br />must generate revenues in a timely manner and the methodology must meet the nexus or benefit �. <br />requirements of AB 1600. Since fees of any sort are controversial, it is critical that any fee established f. <br />be legally defensible. <br />that there be a nexus between fees imposed, the use of the fees, and the development projects on <br />which the fees are imposed. Furthermore, there must be a relationship between the amount of the fee <br />and the cost of the improvements. In order to impose a fee as a condition for a development project, <br />the methodology must accomplish the following: <br />i <br />• Identify the purpose of the fee. <br />• Identify the use to which the fee is to be put. If the use is financing public facilities, the <br />facilities must be identified. <br />• Determine how there is a reasonable. relationship between the fee's use and the type of <br />development project on which the fee is imposed. <br />• Determine how there is a reasonable relationship between the need for the public facility <br />and the type of development project on which the fee is being imposed. <br />Implicit in these requirements is a stipulation that a public agency cannot Impose a fee to cure existing <br />; <br />deficiencies in public facilities or Improve public facilities beyond what is required based on the specific <br />impacts of new development. The benefit methodology established in this subtask will be documented <br />in the Report. <br />. <br />DTA shall prepare a memorandum to City staff summarizing the recommended methodologies and their <br />pros and cons. DTA will recommend a fee expenditure plan to ensure that projects can be fully funded <br />1 <br />and implemented within any required time limits for expenditures of such funds, as well as possible <br />91 <br />flexibility to allow collected fees to be used to provide the City match for grant applications. Finally, the <br />memo will include recommendations for methodology and next steps, Upon review and discussion by <br />City staff, a methodology will be selected. <br />I <br />s <br />Deliverable: Memorandum summarizing the DIF methodology options <br />TASK 6 - DETERMINE FEE LEVELS <br />This task entails calculating the fee amounts based upon the dwelling unit and commerciairindustrial <br />development projections completed in Task 3, facilities needs and costs determined in Task 4, and the <br />v J <br />methodology selected in Task 5. <br />7 <br />City of Santa Ana — Proposal for Development Impact Fee study August 3, 2016 <br />Page 17 <br />V <br />