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5. The City shall add the donated time to the recipient's sick leave account. <br />D. Upon the death of any active employee receiving a benefit under this provision, the <br />City agrees to pay any unused Catastrophic Leave Donations remaining on the <br />books to the surviving beneficiary. <br />E. For those current employees with unused catastrophic leave on the books, the City <br />agrees to convert said unused catastrophic leave to sick leave for use in accordance <br />with the provisions of Article XI, Sections 11.1 A through 11.1 K above. <br />11.12 Assignment Denarhnental Seniority <br />Employees covered by this MOU who are authorized to be on an unpaid medical leave for <br />twelve (12) weeks or less shall continue to accrue seniority related to their particular <br />assignment, as it relates to the badge number list or for any other purpose concerning Police <br />Department Operations for which seniority is considered. Once such leave of absence <br />exceeds twelve (12) weeks, the employee will no longer accrue seniority (for all purposes, <br />including, but not limited to his/her classification, assignment or rank). While such <br />employee will not lose any of the seniority he/she has previously earned, by not continuing <br />to accrue seniority at that point, others who previously were less senior may become more <br />senior than such employee for seniority purposes in the Department. <br />48 <br />25C-52 <br />