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ARTICLE XII <br />12.0 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE <br />12.1 During the term of this MOU the City will contribute toward the payment of premiums for <br />health, dental and long-term disability insurance plans administered by the Association for <br />the benefit of the employees represented by the Association as follows: <br />A. Medical Insurance. <br />The City will contribute $1,510.00 per month to the Santa Ana Police Officers <br />Association Medical Insurance Trust Fund for each affected employee enrolled in <br />medical insurance plans provided by the Association for its bargaining unit <br />members and their eligible dependents. Any contributions necessary to maintain <br />benefits under the plans in excess of the aforementioned amount per month shall be <br />borne entirely by the Association and/or the enrollee. <br />B. Life Insurance. The City shall maintain in effect for the term of this MOU its <br />existing life insurance plan for employees covered by this MOU on the same basis <br />as said plan was offered to employees as of December 31, 1988 except the term life <br />insurance coverage for each affected employee will be in the amount of twenty <br />thousand dollars ($20,000), plus twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) accidental <br />death and dismemberment (AD + D) coverage, at no cost to the employee. <br />12.2 Retiree Health Insurance Plan. Members retiring on or after July 1, 1997, may be provided <br />health insurance premium reduction assistance. <br />All bargaining unit employees and the Association shall hold the City harmless, defend <br />and indemnify the City for any claims regarding the administration of, or the payment of, <br />claims under any Association designed retiree health insurance benefit plan. <br />12.3 Employees on unpaid leave of more than fifteen (15) calendar days shall not receive the <br />City's contribution toward any insurance coverage. The Police Department will notify the <br />Association of all employees on unpaid leave or who separate from City employment <br />within three (3) working days. The City will continue the payment of contribution for <br />insurance coverage until the end of the month in which the Association had received notice <br />from the City of the employee's separation from employment. <br />49 <br />25C-53 <br />