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G. After the procedure set forth in this Article has been exhausted, the grievant, the <br />Association, and the City shall have all rights and remedies to pursue said grievance <br />under the law. <br />ARTICLE XIX <br />19.0 DUES DEDUCTION AND INDEMNIFICATION <br />19.1 Dues Deduction. The City shall deduct dues, on a regular basis, from the pay of all <br />employees recognized to be represented by the Association, who voluntarily authorize such <br />deduction, in writing, on a form to be provided for this purpose by the City. The City shall <br />remit such funds to the Association within thirty (30) days following their deduction. <br />19.2 Indemnification. The Association agrees to hold the City harmless and indemnify the City <br />against any claims, causes of actions, or lawsuits instituted by a member or members of <br />the Association arising out of the deductions or transmittal or such funds to the Association, <br />except the intentional failure of the City to transmit, to the Association, monies deducted <br />from the employees pursuant to this Article. <br />ARTICLE XX <br />20.0 CITY RIGHTS <br />20.1 The City reserves, retains, and is vested with, solely and exclusively, all rights of <br />Management which have not been expressly abridged by specific provision of this MOU <br />or by law to manage the City, as such rights existed prior to the execution of this MOU. <br />The sole and exclusive rights of Management, as they are not abridged by this MOU or by <br />law, shall include but not be limited to the following rights: <br />A. To manage the City generally and to determine the issues of policy. <br />B. To determine the existence or non-existence of facts which are the basis of the <br />Management decision. <br />C. To determine the necessity of organization of any service or activity conducted by <br />the City and expand or diminish services. <br />D. To determine the nature, manner, means, and technology, and extent of services to <br />be provided to the public. <br />E. To determine methods of financing. <br />To determine types of equipment or technology to be used. <br />59 <br />25C-63 <br />