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Exhibit A <br />• Conduct 8 "Shoulder Tap" operations at ABC establishments identified as problematic. <br />• Schedule and coordinate 2 LEAD programs throughout the city. <br />• Conduct 20 discretionary/undercover operations while working alongside ABC agents to enforce <br />alcohol related violations and successfully prosecute those ABC licensed establishments who operate <br />outside the legal parameters. <br />Problem Statement: <br />Funding of this project will allow the Santa Ana Police Department to continue to address alcohol related <br />concerns throughout our city. There are 419 active retail licenses issued in Santa Ana by the California <br />Department of Alcoholic Beverage and Control (ABC). There are 169 off -sale licenses and 250 on -sale <br />licenses issued to establishments in our city by ABC. With the ABC Grant received in 2015/2016, <br />numerous locations have been identified as problem establishments that generate multiple calls for service <br />or are committing alcohol related violations such as selling alcohol to minors. The problematic locations <br />were found throughout the city with the larger calls for service relating to ABC license locations. We <br />identified four establishments which have generated over 100 calls for service or officer initiated contacts <br />from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016. These issues were addressed with the 2015/2016 ABC grant <br />and the number of calls for service are less than 2015 so the new grant will provide funds to continue to <br />reduce the calls for service and provide a better quality of life for the community. There are also several <br />liquor stores throughout Santa Ana which attract individuals who congregate and commit alcohol related <br />violations. Residents continue to complain about their quality of life suffering due to these ongoing <br />problems. Even though we have conducted IMPACT inspections and enforcement operations to combat the <br />problem, more work is necessary. The ABC Grant will allow the SAPD to continue education, training and <br />enforcement to reduce or eliminate alcohol related violations associated with ABC licensed establishments. <br />As with the 2015/2016 ABC Grant, we will work in cooperation with ABC agents to determine the problem <br />locations and address the issue as a team. This year, the SAPD Special Enforcement Team (SET) will <br />participate in the ABC state-wide March "shoulder tap" operation in collaboration with ABC agents in our <br />city. The Santa Ana Police .Department regularly receives complaints from concerned citizens, business <br />owners, and others of alcohol related problems such as loitering, public intoxication, assaults, property <br />crimes, driving under the influence and alcohol related traffic collisions. We will use funds from the ABC <br />Grant to address these problems. Our intent is to use the ABC funding to fight these types of alcohol related <br />crimes which drain our resources and adversely affect our residents. The number of calls for service in <br />which the consumption of alcohol is often a contributing factor is significant. Most ABC licensed <br />establislunents in our city are responsible and adhere to the law; however, there are some which strain our <br />limited resources due to excessive calls for service. <br />There have been and continue to be numerous complaints of minors both buying and getting adults to buy <br />them alcoholic beverages from many of our liquor stores. During the 2015/2016 ABC Grant we were able <br />to address some of these issues and as a result of general enforcement, undercover, shoulder tap, decoy and <br />trap door operations, approximately 171 persons were arrested for various alcohol and narcotic related <br />violations. Utilizing the 2015/2016 grant, SAPD also conducted 35 IMPACT inspections at locations <br />identified as problem establishments and take the opportunity to inform the retailers about pertinent <br />regulations. <br />With the new ABC Grant, we will continue to address these issues starting with two LEAD training sessions <br />at the beginning of the project period to educate as many ABC licensees to reduce violations under their <br />control. SAPD recognizes that some of our ABC licensed establishments have Spanish speaking employees <br />and because of this reason we will provide a translator at one of the LEAD classes. <br />