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Exhibit A <br />An emphasis will be placed on long term undercover operations in ABC licensed establishments with a <br />proven record of violations. The continuing enforcement of ABC and alcohol related laws at and near ABC <br />licensed establishments will ensure our efforts to keep Santa Ana residents and visitors safer will succeed. <br />Project Description: <br />If successful in obtaining the ABC grant, SAPD would implement the following plan: <br />Conduct at least 8 MINOR DECOY programs at ABC licensed establishments. Funding will also be <br />utilized to conduct minor decoy operations at off -sale and on -sale establishments within our city. These <br />establishments will be identified by SET officers who routinely have contact with community members <br />and can gather intelligence regarding illegal sales of alcohol to minors. The minor decoy operations <br />will be conducted with the assistance of ABC agents and within SAPD policy and procedure as well as <br />ABC guidelines pursuant to the California Code of Regulations, Title 4, Division 1, Section 141 (Minor <br />Decoy Requirements). The need to continue monitoring our licensees was demonstrated by 2015/2016 <br />decoy operations which resulted in an on sale unsuccessful rate of 42.9% and an off sale unsuccessful <br />rate of 29.4%. <br />2. Conduct 3 roll call training sessions to our patrol officers regarding ABC laws and how to enforce them. <br />SET officers, accompanied by ABC agents will present information to SAPD patrol officers during <br />various roll call sessions. The information will instruct officers regarding pertinent ABC laws, and <br />effective report writing to establish and prosecute ABC violations. With the last ABC Grant we <br />received, at least 57 patrol officers attended roll call training while assisting our detail with related <br />operations. <br />3. Coordinate and conduct 5 IMPACT/ROSTF (In£ornied Merchants Preventing Alcohol Related Crime <br />Tendencies and Retail Operating Standards Task Force) operations to educate licensees on how to <br />reduce alcohol related crimes in their establishments and to verify compliance. After receiving pertinent <br />training, contact and inform ABC licensed establishments of their responsibilities regarding the sale of <br />alcohol. During these inspections other agencies such as Code Enforcement, Employment Development <br />Department and Department of Industrial Relations will be invited to gain the maximum effect and <br />compliance. <br />4. Organize at least five (5) community meetings; hold an ask/answer session regarding possible problems <br />related to ABC licensed establishments. This will be done in conjunction with our regular neighborhood <br />meetings attended by problem oriented policing officers. SET officers commonly attend neighborhood <br />meetings throughout the city pertaining to neighborhood watch, gang issues, and school functions. <br />Officers will take the opportunity to speak with residents regarding problematic ABC licensed <br />establishments, accessibility of alcohol to minors, drinking in public and other alcohol related issues. <br />5. Coordinate and conduct 8 "Trap Door" operations. There are various ABC on -sale licensed <br />establishments in our city. A few of these establishments attract minors who enter the club or bar <br />illegally with false ID's and consume alcohol. SET officers will work directly with employees of these <br />establishments and cite the person trying to use the false ID and if possible the person who provided it. <br />