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mobile and can be installed where are invited for an exhibition. <br />Supplemental Question 2: Is this a new or existing program/project?: <br />YAC is proposing that this is a new collaborative comprised of established Santa Ana artists <br />who use different mediums that includes public gatherings with audience participation. The <br />artists and organizations are supported by other funding but lack resources for this project. The <br />artists and organizations create art and engage the community in the creative process. We <br />decided to work together to bring art out into neighborhoods instead having residents having to <br />venture into the artist village which at times make the neighborhoods feel no connectivity with <br />the art community. YAC wanted take art out into the community and have the community look <br />at their neighborhood through the eyes of artists and see the hidden beauty. This changes the <br />neighborhood's relationship with themselves, their families and their neighborhood. We want <br />residents to work with our artists to reveal the beauty in our underserved neighborhoods. <br />Supplemental Question 3: How will the proposed project be presented or shared with the <br />public? Will the art display, event or performance be free and accessible to the public?: <br />The project will be free and shared with the community. We contacted neighborhood <br />associations and youth programs to work as community partners such as: Artesia Pilar, Delhi, <br />Riverview West, Santa Nita, Lacy/Garfield, & Cambodian Family are just a few of or partners. <br />They are very excited about the project. The YAC creative and artistic community engagement <br />process will be similar to this one specific example with minor modifications tailored to the <br />neighborhood: YAC will work with The MIX Academy at Newsong operated by Lambert Lo. It's a <br />large gathering of about 300 students from Santa Ana. Volunteers teach free classes where <br />youth can sign up. Classes includes art. Brian will work with Lambert to identify a youth to be <br />painted. Inspyr will assist the youths to create a mural with a topic they chose. It will be stored <br />and reused again and again. It will be shared and presented to the public during and after the <br />creation process. The public will be encouraged to engage and co -create the project. <br />The results will be shown at the final event and will also be accessible to the public at the final <br />viewing and presentation where all the neighborhood participants will gather for a celebration <br />and unveiling of all the neighborhood murals, living art, portraits, and masks. <br />We will invite musicians from the community to perform. We will invite other artists to <br />reflect and talk about the result, art and community. We anticipate and working on finding a <br />space where it can be view more for longer periods later. We have several places for one time <br />showing. <br />We have several options for the living organic art piece. For example, the Blue Lot (old <br />Cadillac Property) could be made into living art piece. It is also an ideal venue at which the <br />murals could be presented. We have connected with Ruben Salazar, the curator of the Blue Lot, <br />who is open to this idea. Parke Familias Corazones Verdes on 4th St. is also another possible <br />venue. I am connected with Laura Pantoja, the director of the location. Delhi Community <br />Center is our fall back. <br />Supplemental Question 4: How will this project enrich the Santa Ana arts and culture <br />community?: <br />The project is experiential and embraces Henri -Robert -Marcel Duchamp and the Da Da <br />movement. The exhibition will be an active and interactive piece of art that explores and <br />captures the faces of Santa Ana where they live, work and play. The city reveals itself through <br />paintings, murals and photographs and video. The project will impact not only the Santa Ana <br />art and cultural community but it will grow out from its community roots embracing the art and <br />making it theirs. Everyone benefits. <br />It will demonstrate the power art carries in storytelling and demonstrate that we can use <br />our gifts to give back to others. The "Connected" portion of the Rose in the Concrete event will <br />