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Meta Housing Corporation, City of Santa Ana, and Santa Ana Arts Collective L.P. <br />16-AHSC-11199 <br />Page 13 of 17 <br />EXHIBIT D <br />46. Reserve Accounts <br />The Sponsor shall establish and maintain reserve accounts as required by the Department and <br />as further described in the Regulatory Agreement. All withdrawals shall require prior written <br />approval from the Department, as provided in the Regulatory Agreement. <br />47. Operating Reserve Account <br />The Sponsor shall fund an operating reserve account in accordance with Section 8308 of the <br />UMRs and subject to the requirements thereof. The specific amount of the Operating Reserve <br />Account shall be set forth in the Regulatory Agreement. <br />48. Replacement Reserve Account <br />The Sponsor shall establish a replacement reserve account in accordance with Section 8309 of <br />the UMRs. The replacement reserve account shall be funded by monthly deposits from operating <br />income or a combination of operating income and development sources as indicated in the <br />Regulatory Agreement. The amount of the monthly deposits may be adjusted, as determined by <br />the Department, in its sole discretion, based on reserve studies performed by an independent <br />third party at the Sponsor's expense as requested by the Department or as based on other reliable <br />indicators of future reserve needs. <br />49. Capitalized Reserve Accounts <br />If AHSC funds are used to fund a reserve account, the Department shall disburse such funds in <br />a manner to ensure the proper funding of the reserve. The proceeds of the AHSC Loan may be <br />used to capitalize only operating and replacement reserve accounts and amounts required by <br />UMRs Sections 8308 and 8309. Proceeds of the AHSC Loan may not be used to capitalize rental <br />subsidy reserves or reserves established to pay recurring operating costs, including, but not <br />limited, to the required 0.42 percent annual payment on the AHSC Loan. <br />50. CaIHFA and HUD Funded Proiects <br />Projects subject to the HUD Section 811 and 202 programs or receiving a permanent loan from <br />CaIHFA shall not be subject to AHSC reserve requirements during the time such projects are <br />regulated by HUD or CaIHFA and the Sponsor complies with the applicable CaIHFA or HUD <br />reserve requirements. <br />51. Property Management Documents <br />The Sponsor shall obtain the MHP Operations Manual, which sets forth the obligations and <br />requirements for the use, operation and occupancy of the Affordable Housing Development, <br />including but not limited to the Department's approval of the following (in the format provided or <br />approved by the Department); a) a proposal for management agent with management agent's <br />qualifications attached; b) a management contract; c) a management plan; d) an operating <br />AHSC Loan - Rental Affordable Housing Development <br />NOFA Date: 01/29/16 <br />Approved Date: 03/09/17 <br />Prep Date: 07/20/17 <br />