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a h are <br />your independent hcallhmro �oi�e. <br />13. Eye Care <br />a. NaphCare will provide eye examinations and medically necessary treatment. <br />b. Corrective lenses, when determined necessary, will be provided at the expense of the contracting <br />agency. NaphCare will obtain approval from the responsible contracting agency prior to supplying <br />corrective lenses. <br />14. Psych Clinic <br />a. NaphCare understands that the Santa Ana Jail medical services plan requires NaphCare to provide <br />psychiatric services in the form of one (1) psych clinic every week, and we will comply. <br />b. Each clinic will last no less than four (4) hours, unless there are an insufficient number of patients in <br />need of care. <br />c. Psych clinics will provide a range of services including psych evaluations, counseling and prescription <br />of psychotropic medications. <br />15. First Aid Kits <br />a. NaphCare will provide one (1) basic first aid kit for each housing module, intake screening area, <br />booking, laundry and transfer hold. <br />b. Contents of the first aid kits will comply with NCCHC guidelines. <br />c. NaphCare will provide a list of required contents to the Jail Administrator. <br />d. Monthly inspection of the first aid kits will be conducted by Jail staff. <br />16. Inmate Complaint/Grievance Procedure <br />a. NaphCare will follow the Jail's established policies and procedures for processing and responding to <br />inmate complaints and grievances regarding medical treatment. <br />b. NaphCare will abide by Jail policies and procedure regarding responses to complaints and <br />grievances, within established policy requirements. <br />NaphCare has a fully electronic system for tracking complaints from receipt to resolution. Our <br />proprietary TechCare® Grievance Tracker provides automated daily mail notifications to multiple key <br />operations and risk management staff, including our General Counsel. This innovative daily alert feature <br />ensures that urgent issues receive immediate attention, from the right people. <br />NaphCare encourages inmate issues be resolved on an informal basis without the need for filing a <br />formal complaint. NaphCare's complaints and grievances policy includes an informal process: <br />1. Inmates shall always be encouraged to discuss healthcare concerns with the appropriate <br />member of the health care staff. <br />2. The Health Services Administrator, when possible, will encourage and make available informed <br />mechanisms for the communication of, and potential resolution of, inmate health care concerns. <br />3. The Health Services Administrator is encouraged to meet informally with representatives of the <br />department (e.g., chaplain) who may have input on the adequacy of health care delivery. <br />NaphCare's grievance process begins by ensuring that inmates have an open forum to voice their <br />complaints and that no inmate will be denied access to the grievance process. Our personnel are trained <br />to seek resolution to inmate concerns before they escalate into grievances. Once an inmate files a <br />grievance, a systematic process is triggered that is fully compliant with all relevant NCCHC and ACA <br />Inmate Medical Services <br />City of Santa Ana <br />25F-70 <br />RFP No. 17-051 <br />71 <br />