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a h are <br />your independent healthco o choice. <br />guidelines. This process is overseen by our Chief Medical Officer and our General Counsel. Any <br />grievances that we are unable to successfully address will be escalated to an appeal process. <br />Below is an outline of our grievance process: <br />• Upon entrance into the facility, each inmate receives information about the grievance <br />procedure and how to file a grievance form. <br />• All NaphCare personnel are required to attend training regarding the grievance procedure. <br />• Inmates with special needs (such as impaired vision, hearing problems, language barriers, etc.) <br />who request special assistance in completing a grievance form receive assistance. <br />• No inmate will be denied access to the grievance process. <br />• Grievance notification alerts are emailed automatically to key staff daily. <br />• Grievances are reviewed and responded to by healthcare staff daily. <br />• Our grievance process complies with all relevant NCCHC and ACA guidelines. <br />• Our grievance process includes electronic tracking of all medical grievances and concerns, along <br />with our healthcare staff's response. <br />• NaphCare personnel receive ongoing corporate support and education pertaining to grievance <br />management. <br />NaphCare will generate a monthly report of complaints received and provide it to the City. The report <br />includes: inmate name, identification number, date the complaint was received, complaint description, <br />date of response, and a brief description of the resolution. NaphCare's Grievance Tracker system is a <br />fully data -minable electronic database. As a result, grievances can be filtered by inmate or type of <br />grievance, therefore allowing tracking of similar type issues. <br />NaphCare regularly creates and reviews reports of grievances and their disposition to help identify and <br />resolve problem trends. We view grievances as an instrument for helping us identify ways to continually <br />improve our care and processes. In keeping with this philosophy, NaphCare prepares a corrective action <br />plan for substantiated grievances. This methodical approach to grievance tracking has produced a 72% <br />reduction in medically related grievances at the SAJ. <br />Inmate Medical Services <br />City of Santa Ana <br />25F-71 <br />RFP No. 17-051 <br />72 <br />