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31A - VARIANCE 2017-01
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
31A - VARIANCE 2017-01
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Last modified
9/14/2017 4:19:24 PM
Creation date
9/15/2017 1:05:06 PM
City Clerk
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Variance No. 2017-01 <br />August 28, 2017 <br />Page 3 <br />The subject building is within the Bristol Marketplace shopping center, located at the northwest corner <br />of Bristol Street and 17"' Street. The building's location within the commercial shopping center limits <br />visibility of the business from the arterial streets; it is set back more than 300 feet from 17th Street and <br />more than 1,100 feet from Bristol Street. An existing freestanding commercial building currently <br />occupied by Denny's further reduces visibility of the subject building from 17"' Street. The two <br />additional wall signs are proposed near the entrance of the building to improve the tenant's ability to <br />advertise its products and market its brand. Sufficient sign area is available on the fascia wall to <br />install the proposed signs. Due to the business's limited visibility from the streets, approval of the <br />variance would assist in attracting patronage to the business. <br />Moreover, the nature of big -box retail markets, such as grocers, is to offer a wide range of services <br />and products that attract and retain customers. Additional signage helps retailers to remain <br />competitive and continually expand business opportunities. Through rebranding, Smart & Final Extra <br />has expanded its goods and services. Approval of the variance for the two additional signs on the <br />existing building will enhance the long-term viability of the business. <br />Finally, staff has supported approval of sign variance requests for similar grocery stores or big -box <br />retailers that contain ancillary businesses such as pharmacies, ATMs/banks, coffee shops, and <br />additional types of signage to advertise wider range of products or services. The other Smart & Final <br />Extra location in Santa Ana was granted a variance in 2015 for two secondary signs with the same <br />sign copy of "Fresh Meat" and "Farm Fresh Produce". Target stores in Santa Ana also have <br />approved variances for multiple signs on one elevation. The City has previously supported approval <br />of variances for these types of sign requests and under similar circumstances. Approval of the <br />variance would be consistent with prior approvals set by other projects. <br />Table 3: CEQA Strategic Plan Alignment and Public Notification & Community Outreach <br />CEQA, Strategic Plan Alignment, and Public Notification & Community Outreach <br />CEQA <br />CEQA Type <br />General Rule Section 15061 b 3 <br />Reason(s) <br />This exemption applies to projects where it can be seen with certainty that there is <br />Exempt or Analysis <br />no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the <br />environment. This is an existing retail establishment and no significant alterations <br />are being proposed at this time. <br />Strategic Plan Alignment <br />Goal(s) and <br />Approval of this item supports the City's efforts to meet Goal #3 (Economic <br />Policy(s) <br />Development) Objective #2 of creating new opportunities for business/job growth <br />and encourage private development through new General Plan and Zoning <br />Ordinance policies. <br />31A-5 <br />
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