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Reference #5• <br />Customer Name: City of Los Angeles, Department of City Planning <br />Contact Individual: Jan Zatorski, Deputy Director <br />Address: 1200 N. Spring St, Room 525B, Los Angeles, CA 90012 <br />Phone Number: (213) 978-1273 <br />Facsimile Number: Not Available <br />Email: <br />Contract Amount: $65,000+ <br />Year: 2011 to Present <br />Brief description of scope or services provided: User and Regulatory Fee Studies <br />NBS is currently under contract and nearing completion of a comprehensive review of all <br />Department of City Planning hourly rates and fees for services. Key consulting tasks include <br />development of a deliverable fully burdened hourly rate model, recommendation regarding a fair <br />and equitable fee structure for specialized services, and consideration of an appropriate fund <br />balance for off peak demand cycles. <br />Previously, in 2013, NBS was selected by the Department to provide on-call consulting services <br />related to development of a Case Management fee structure for development review services, as <br />well as a comprehensive fee analysis that is still ongoing and in the process. <br />In 2011, NBS was selected by the City of Los Angeles' Planning Department to study fully <br />burdened hourly rates and fee structure policies related to provision of expedited project review . <br />services. Key consulting tasks include development of a deliverable fully burdened hourly rate <br />model, recommendation regarding a fair and equitable fee structure for specialized services, and <br />consideration of an appropriate fund balance for off peak demand cycles. <br />Prior to joining NBS, Nicole Kissam and Greta Davis completed a comprehensive fee analysis for <br />this Department, as well as a study of EMS costs to providing services for the Fire Department. <br />OZ)R.SpS City <br />RFP of Santa Ana <br />�� GL�3�7 RFP No. 17-081 Comprehensive proposition 218 tees and Charges Compliance Assessment 26 <br />25A-42 <br />