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INSURANC: NOT REWIRED <br />WORK MAY PROCEED <br />CLERK OF COUNCb <br />MTP SEP 12 2017 <br />NON -DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT <br />A-2015-243-01 <br />A Com') This NON -DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is entered into and effective as of <br />seDternber <br />17 ("Effective <br />Co'� �� FEZ nonprofit public benefit corporation ("Discloser"), between St. and the City of Santa Joseph <br />altyatcharter California <br />municipal corporation organized and existing under the Constitution and laws of the State of <br />California ("City" or "Recipient'). Each of the foregoing are hereinafter referred to as "Party" and <br />together as the "Parties." <br />WHEREAS, Discloser is a health care entity presently in negotiations with the City <br />regarding the development of the property located at 205 West Civic Center Drive, Santa Ana, <br />California, as a multipurpose wellness center; and <br />WHEREAS, Discloser desires to provide Recipient with Confidential Information, and <br />Recipient wishes to possess such information, for the purpose of enabling Recipient to evaluate a <br />potential business transaction with Discloser ("Purpose'). <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants herein <br />contained, Discloser and Recipient agree as follows: <br />1. "Confidential Information" shall mean any business or technical information relating to the <br />prospective transaction between the parties disclosed by Discloser in any form (written, visual, <br />electronic, aural, or otherwise) to Recipient that is treated by Discloser as proprietary, confidential, <br />or a trade secret, including but not limited to, any information, financial statements, social security <br />information, tax returns, processes, methods, know-how, trade secrets, technical information, <br />drawings, graphs, analytical data, data analyses, copyrighted information, techniques, equipment, <br />software programs, costs, profit and loss information, operating procedures, analytical protocols and <br />equipment, financial information, purchasing lists, customer lists, corporate alliance agreements, <br />internal memoranda, investor lists, capitalization tables, business and contractual relationships, <br />business forecasts, cost and pricing analyses and forecasts, marketing plans, and information <br />regarding third parties disclosed by Discloser to Recipient or obtained by Recipient through <br />observation or examination of information or developments. <br />2. The purpose of this Agreement is to enable Recipient to evaluate and/or carry out an actual <br />or potential business transaction with Discloser. Upon execution of this Agreement, Discloser agrees <br />to disclose to Recipient such items of its Confidential Information, which City determines is needed <br />for Recipient to carry out the Purpose of this Agreement. <br />3. Subject to Section 7 below, Recipient agrees to hold any and all Confidential Information <br />provided to Recipient pursuant to this Agreement in confidence, and to not disclose the Confidential <br />Information to any other parties; provided, however, that Recipient may disclose Confidential <br />Information to those of its respective directors, officers, members, employees, attorneys, and <br />consultants (collectively, the "Representatives') who reasonably require access to the Confidential <br />Information in order to evaluate the transaction contemplated herein, provided, however, that <br />Recipient shall cause its Representatives to comply with and be bound by the terms of confidentiality <br />and non-use contained herein. Recipient further agrees to not use the Confidential Information in any <br />way, including for the commercial benefit of Recipient or any other party, outside of the express <br />purpose for which it was disclosed to Recipient by Discloser. <br />4. Within ninety (90) days after the date of receipt of a written notice by the Discloser, <br />Recipient must (i) destroy or return all of Discloser's Confidential Information then in its <br />