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possession or control, and (ii) destroy all copies containing the Discloser's Confidential <br />Information and any other items that may have been produced by Recipient that incorporate <br />Discloser's Confidential Information, and upon the written request of Discloser, will furnish the <br />Discloser with written certification of such destruction under this Section. Notwithstanding the <br />foregoing, the Recipient (i) may retain one copy of the Confidential Information, for the purpose <br />of certifying the scope and nature of the documents received under this Agreement, and (ii) will <br />not be required to destroy any computer files stored securely by the Recipient that are created during <br />automatic system back-up or retained for legal purposes by the Recipient's legal division. <br />5. All reproductions, copies, or embodiments, in whole or in part, of the Confidential <br />Information created by Recipient shall carry a confidential or proprietary notice similar to that, if any, <br />with which it was submitted to the Recipient. <br />6. Confidential Information disclosed to Recipient hereunder is and shall remain the exclusive <br />property of Discloser. The confidentiality and use obligations set forth above apply to all or any <br />part of any Confidential Information provided after the Effective Date of this Agreement except to <br />the extent that such Confidential Information: <br />(a) was publicly known prior to disclosure by Discloser of such Confidential <br />Information to Recipient; <br />(b) is or becomes publicly known, without fault on the part of Recipient, subsequent to <br />disclosure by Discloser of such Confidential Information to Recipient; <br />(c) was otherwise known by Recipient prior to communication by Discloser to Recipient <br />of such Confidential Information as evidenced by written records; <br />(d) becomes available to the Recipient on a non -confidential basis from a source other <br />than the Discloser who is not, to the Recipient's knowledge, after reasonable inquiry, <br />under any obligation of confidentiality to the Discloser; and <br />(e) has been independently developed by Recipient without access to such Confidential <br />Information, as evidenced by written records. <br />7. In the event that Recipient is requested or required pursuant to applicable law, regulation <br />or order issued by any administrative, governmental, regulatory or judicial authority, or in response <br />to a request from or requirement of the Recipient's auditors, regulators or rating agencies, to <br />disclose any Confidential Information, Recipient may disclose such Confidential Information, <br />subject to this Section 7. Prior to responding to such request or requirement, the Recipient will <br />provide the Discloser with prompt notice of any such requests or requirements (unless prohibited <br />by applicable law from doing so); so that the Discloser may seek, at its own expense, an appropriate <br />protective order or, if appropriate, waive Recipient's compliance with the provisions of this <br />Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Recipient is legally required to disclose Confidential <br />Information under the California Public Records Act to any third party, Recipient may disclose <br />such portions of the Confidential Information that Recipient is legally required to disclose without <br />consent by Discloser. <br />8. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed, by implication or otherwise, to convey to <br />Recipient any license or other rights under any patents, patent applications, copyrights, trademarks, <br />trade secrets, inventions or any other intellectual property owned by Discloser, nor shall this <br />Agreement be deemed a commitment of any kind by either Party to enter into any further agreement <br />