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s8-140932-8 <br />(Ed. 03106) <br />Sierra Cybernetics Ina. <br />PnNGy#1034949260 <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT CHA14093 THE POLICY. <br />PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY" <br />NONZONTRACTORS BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED <br />This oniersomonl modifam insurance provided under the following: <br />THE CITY OF SANTA ANA, TTS OFFICERS, ENVLOYEES ,AeENTS & <br />REFRESENTATNES <br />20 CIVIC CWMR DANE <br />0L1G1NC300WNrTN0 LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM <br />SANTA ANA, CA 92702 <br />Coverage of filed under this extension of coverage endorsement <br />does not apply to any person or orgaotzation covered <br />as an additional Insured on arty other endorsement now or hereafter attached to this coverage Pan. <br />1. ADDITiONAL iNSURED - BLANKET VENDORS <br />h. "Bodily injury" or "property damage" <br />WHO IS AN INSURED is amended to include as an <br />arising out of the sole negligence of the <br />for its own acts omission or <br />additional Insured any person or organization (rerened <br />thosvende <br />thaw of its employees or else <br />r <br />to below as vendor) with whom you agreed, because <br />eating an Its behalf. However, this <br />Howeveanyoner, <br />of a written contract or agreement to provide <br />exclusion does not apply to: <br />Inknranna. NA only with raspadl 10 "tlodily injury" or <br />rproporty damage" adaing out of "your products" which <br />(f) The exceptions contained in <br />mos distributed or sold in the regular course of the <br />Subpa,agrapras a, of F„; ui <br />vendor's business, sugoct to the following additional <br />exclusions: <br />(2) Such inepootlono, adjustments, toots <br />or servicing as the vendor has <br />1, The insurance afforded the vendor does not <br />agreed to make or normally <br />apply to <br />undertakes to make In the usual <br />course of business, In connection <br />IL "Bodily Injury” or "property damage" tar <br />vAth the disritwltinn or cnta of thea <br />which the vendor is 0b 1gated pay <br />products, <br />damages by reason of the assumption of <br />liability in a contract or agreement. This <br />2. This Insurance does not apply to any insured <br />exclusion does not apply to liability for <br />person or organization, from whom you have <br />dalrlages that the vendor would have in <br />acquired such products, or any ingredient, <br />Me oosence or me p9rovact or agreement, <br />pan or container; emenng into, accompanying <br />of containing such products. <br />b, Any express warranty unauihorized by <br />you; <br />9. This provision 2, does not apply to any vendor <br />a. Any physical or chemical change in the <br />included as an insured by an endorsement <br />product made intentionally by the vendor; <br />issued by els and made a part of this <br />Coverage part. <br />m Repieuxt , except when unpacked <br />4. This provision 2. does not apply If "bodily <br />solely for the purpose of inspection, <br />injury" or "pmparty damage" included vAthin <br />demonstration, testing, of tote substitution <br />the "products-oomplelod operatioes hazard" is <br />of parts under Instructions from the <br />excluded either by tie provisions of the <br />manufacturer. and then repaokaoed in the <br />Coverage Fart or by endorsement, <br />original container; <br />a. Any Whom in moire mink incp>r.}ions, 2. <br />MISCELLANEOUS ADDITONAL INSURED$ <br />adjustments, tests or servicing as the <br />WHO IS AN INSURED Is amended to include as an <br />vendor has agreed to make or Banally <br />insured any peraon or organirmotion (called additional <br />undertakes to make in the usual course of <br />insured) described in paragraphs 3.a. through 3.h, <br />business, in connection with the <br />below whom you are required to add as an additional <br />t� distribution or sale of the products: <br />insured on this Policy under a written contract or <br />C Demonstration, installation, servicing or <br />agreement but the written contract or agreement must <br />repair operations, except such operations <br />bsr <br />Performed at the vendor's premises in <br />1. Currently in effact or becoming effective <br />connection with ine sale of the product: <br />during lite teen of this postry; and <br />g„ products which, after dlstributicn or sate <br />Z Executed prior to the "bodily injury," "property <br />by you, have been labeled or relabeled or <br />damage" nr "persnnai And sciverllaing tnjtiry." <br />used am a oontainoe, part at ingredient of <br />but <br />any other thing or aulaatonao by or far rhe <br />vendor; ar <br />Onlythe fallowing parsons or organizations are <br />additional insureds. under lhis ondoreoment And <br />90.100312.9 <br />rape 1 ora <br />(Ed, 030) <br />(verston 1.0) <br />