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S 8-146932-8 <br />Sierra Cybernetics Inc. (Ed, 03106) <br />Polioy#1034949260 <br />coverage provided ie such addihcnal insureds is entrances, coal holes, driveways, <br />limited as provided herein, manholes, marques, hoistaway <br />a. Additional Insured -Your Work openings, sidewalk vaults, street <br />banners, or decorations and <br />That person or organization for whom you similar exposures: or <br />do work is an additional insured solely for <br />liability due to your negligence specifically (b} The construction, erection, or <br />resulting from your work for the additonal removal of elevators; or <br />insured which is the subject of the written (2) This insurance applies only with <br />Contract or written agreement, No respect to operations performed by <br />coverage applies to liability resulting from you or on your behalf for which the <br />the able noaligenao of the addltianol state or political subdivloion has <br />insured. issued a permit. <br />The insurance provided to the additional <br />This insurance does not apply to "bodily <br />Insured Is Bmited as follows: <br />Injury," "property damage" or "personal <br />(t} The Limits of insurance applioeble to <br />and advertising Injury' arising out of <br />operations performed for the state or <br />the addll;onal insured are those <br />municipally. <br />apacltied in the written contract or <br />written agreement or In the <br />a. Controlling Interest <br />Declarations of this policy, whichever <br />Is sets. These Limits of insurance are <br />Any persons or organizations with a <br />Inclusive of, and not in addition to, <br />controlling Interest in you but only with <br />the Limits of Ineuranoo shown in the <br />respect to their liability arisino out of. <br />Declarations. <br />(1) Their financis I control of you; or <br />(2) The coverage provided to the <br />(2) Premises they own, maintain or <br />additional insured by this <br />control white you lease or occupy <br />endorsement and paragraph 17.9. of <br />these premises. <br />the delnMon of 'insured contract" <br />under I,lawlity and Mndlnal <br />This insurance does not apply to <br />Expenses Definitions do not apply <br />structural alterations, new construction <br />to "bodily injury"' or "properly <br />and demolition operations performed by <br />damage" arising out of the "products- <br />or for such additional Insured. <br />completed oporaticne hazard' unless <br />d. Managers or Lessors of Preinise8 <br />required by the written contract or <br />written agreement. <br />A manager or lessor of premises but only <br />with rotpect to llohlilty arising cut of the <br />(3) The insurance provided to the <br />ownership, maintenance or use of that <br />additional inonrod doea not apply io <br />epecltto part of the premises leased to <br />"bodily injury," "property damage," or <br />you and subject to ttw following additional <br />"personal and advalusin9 injury" <br />exclusions: <br />ari3tng out or Vie rendering ur €ailuro <br />to render any professional services. <br />This insurance does not apply to: <br />le. Sinus or Political Subdivisions <br />(1) Any "occurrence" whioh takes place <br />shoA cease to be a tenant in that <br />state or poldlpal Subdivision sup)ect to <br />pre lse s; or <br />p <br />the fallowing provelonw <br />l2) rugtur now <br />(1} This insurance applies only with <br />FF y <br />construction demolallerelitiourill,n <br />oonstruoticn or demolition operations <br />respect to the toeowing hazards for <br />performed by or on behalf of such <br />which the state or political <br />additional insured, <br />subdivision has issued a permit in <br />connection with premises you own, <br />a. Mortgagee, Assignee or Receiver <br />rent, or control and to which this <br />A mortgages, assignee or receiver but <br />Insurance applies: <br />only with respect to their liability as <br />(a) The exlstenoe, maintenance, <br />mortgagee, assipnea, or receiver and <br />repair, construction, erection, or <br />arlsing out of the ownership, <br />ruiuuvul of adverl131119 319113, <br />maintonanoe, or uta of a prarnisat by <br />awnings, canopies, outer <br />you. <br />88.144832-a Page 2 of 3 <br />(Ed .O8ra6) <br />