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r <br />sa-14002-e <br />(Ed. 03/00 <br />Sierra Gyberneties Ino. <br />Roiicy#1034949260 <br />This Insurance does not apply to <br />structural alterations, now Construction or <br />demolition operations performed by or for <br />such additional insured, <br />Ovmerslother Interests • Land Is <br />Leased <br />An owner or other interest from whom <br />land has been leased by you but only <br />with respect to liability arising out of the <br />ownership, maintenance or use of that <br />apeciric part or me land ioased to you ano <br />subject to the following additional <br />exclusions: <br />This insurance does not apply to: <br />11) Any "dacurrellOW which takes place <br />after you cease to lease that land; or <br />(2) Structural aitorallons, now <br />ounstruollon or demolition operations <br />performed by or on behalf of such <br />addilionai insured. <br />Go-owneref Insured Promises <br />A co-owner of a promises co -owned by <br />you and covered under this tnsurance but <br />only with respect to the co-owners liability <br />as co-owner of such promises. <br />Lcaaarof Equipmont <br />Any person or organization from whom <br />you lease equipment. Such person or <br />organlzatron are Insureds only with <br />respect to their liability arising out -of the <br />maintenance, operation or use by you of <br />equiomant leased to You by such person <br />R.14MA a.e <br />(Ed, 43108) <br />or organization. A person"s or <br />organization'a status as an Insured under <br />this endorsement enda when their written <br />contract or agreement with you for such <br />lensed equipment and& <br />yWth respect to the insurance afrarded <br />these additional insureds, the following <br />addnlonal exclusions apply: <br />This ineursnce does not apply. <br />(1) Ta any "aaeurcanc,s" which takes <br />place after the equipment lease <br />expires; or <br />(2) To "bodily iojay," "property damage" <br />or "personal and advertising Injury- <br />ariaing out of the sale negligence of <br />such additional insured, <br />Any insurance provided to an additional Insured <br />designated under paragraphs a.thmugh If. above <br />does not apply to "bodily Injrtry" or "property <br />damage" Included within the "products -completed <br />cporotlone hazard." <br />The following is added to Paragraph R. of the <br />WSMESSOWNERS 00MNON POLICY <br />WNDITIONSI <br />H. Other Insurance <br />4. Thls inouraitsc Is excess aver any other <br />insurance naming the additional insured as an <br />insured whether primary, exoeas, contingent or <br />on any other basic unlaus a written contract or <br />written agreement specifically requires that this <br />insurance be either primary or primary and <br />ntmmurtbuttnp. <br />Page a or a <br />