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(2) If the Limits of Insurance of any other insurance policy have been exhausted; or <br />(3) To "bodily injury" or "property damage" that occurred before you acquired or formed the <br />organization. <br />2. EMPLOYEES AS INSUREDS <br />SECTION II - LIABILITY COVERAGE, paragraph A.I. - WHO IS AN INSURED is amended to include <br />the following as an insured: <br />f. Any "employee" of yours while using a covered "auto" you do not own, hire or borrow, but <br />only for acts within the scope of their employment by you, Insurance provided by this endorse- <br />ment is excess over any other insurance available to any "employee", <br />g. An "employee" of yours while operating an "auto" hired or borrowed under awritten contract <br />or agreement in that "employee's" name, with your permission, while performing duties re- <br />lated to the conduct of your business and within the scope of their employment. Insurance <br />provided by this endorsement is excess over any other Insurance available to the "employee". <br />3. ADDITIONAL INSURED BY CONTRACT, AGREEMENT OR PERMIT <br />SECTION II - LIABILITY COVERAGE, paragraph A.1. - WHO IS AN INSURED Is amended to Include <br />the following as an insured: <br />h. Any person or organization with respect to the operation, maintenance or use of a covered <br />"auto", provided that you and such person or organization have agreed in a written contract, <br />agreement, or permit issued to you by governmental or public authority, to add such person, or <br />organization, or governmental or public authority to this policy as an "insured", <br />However, such person or organization is an "insured": <br />(1) Only with respect to the operation, maintenance or use of a covered "auto"; <br />(2) Only for "bodily injury" or "property damage" caused by an "accident" which takes <br />place after you executed the written contract or agreement, or the permit has been <br />issued to you; and <br />(3) Only for the duration of that contract, agreement or permit <br />4. SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS <br />SECTION II - LIABILITY COVERAGE, Coverage Extensions, 2.a. Supplementary Payments, para- <br />graphs (2) and (4) are replaced by the following: <br />(2) Up to $3,000 for cost of bail bonds (including bonds for related traffic violations ) required <br />because of an "accident" we cover. We do not have to furnish these bonds. <br />(4) All reasonable expenses incurred by the insured at our request, including actual lass of earn- <br />ings up to $500 a day because of time off from work. <br />S. AMENDED FELLOW EMPLOYEE EXCLUSION <br />a In those jurisdictions where, by law, fellow employees are not entitled to the protection afforded to <br />the employer by the workers compensation exclusivity rule, or similar protection, the following <br />provision is added: <br />SECTION II - LIABILITY, exclusion B.S. FELLOW EMPLOYEE does not apply if the "bodily injury" <br />9 results from the use of a covered "auto" you own or hire. <br />SECTION III - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE Is amended as follows: <br />8. HIRED AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE <br />Paragraph A.4. Coverage Extensions of SECTION III - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, is amended <br />by adding the following: ,p�. <br />If hired "autos" are covered "autos" for Liability Coverage, and if Co 4ensive, Sp led <br />Causes of Loss or Collision coverage are provided under the Business y4 overage F for any <br />"auto" you own, then the Physical Damage coverages provided are tided to "out c <br />a. You hire, rent or borrow; or <br />© 2013 Liberty Mutual Insurance <br />CA 88 1D 01 13 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 2 of 7 <br />