on membership, the City of Santa Ana will invite
<br />candidates to participate in the PDT. Alta will facili-
<br />tate weekly PDT teleconference meetings, with
<br />up to five (5) in -person meetings at key project
<br />milestones.
<br />Alta will prepare the PDT meeting agendas,
<br />presentation materials, and bullet -point summa-
<br />ries outlining next steps and action items,
<br />task f Deliverables:
<br />• Kick -Off Meeting Agenda, Meeting Notes
<br />• Data Needs Memorandum
<br />. Monthly Status reports, invoices
<br />• Weekly project update calls with Client Project
<br />Manager
<br />• Weekly PDT Meetings
<br />• Meeting Agendas and Notes
<br />. AQUA Review of all deliverables
<br />Task 2: Community Outreach and
<br />Data Collection
<br />At the beginning of the project Alta and KPA will
<br />develop a stakeholder outreach plan that outlines
<br />details for soliciting community input through a
<br />robust, transparent, equitable, and multi -layered
<br />process involving direct engagement to schools
<br />and residents, partnership with local community -
<br />based organizations, school -focused walking
<br />audits, and two (2) citywide community meet-
<br />ings. This targeted outreach plan will include a
<br />proposed schedule for the 43 meetings at elemen-
<br />tary schools including PTA and ELAC meetings,
<br />Back -to -School Nights, and may also consider
<br />Youth Football or Little League games to setting up
<br />displays and collecting surveys. The community
<br />outreach plan will also include recommendations
<br />for multi-lingual engagement, and equity consider-
<br />ations. The stakeholder outreach plan will include
<br />coordination with the PDT to build on their ideas,
<br />resources, and media outlets.
<br />We will strive to identify a school champion or
<br />liaison at each of the participating schools. These
<br />champions will be critical in serving as a connec-
<br />tion to the broader school community for outreach,
<br />input, and promoting participation at events such
<br />as the walking audits. We will also utilize existing
<br />school meetings and channels of communica-
<br />tion, such as PTA/PTO and ELAC meetings, to
<br />conduct outreach and gather feedback on issues,
<br />19
<br />recommendations and priorities.. Alta will also
<br />provide strategies for ensuring that outreach
<br />materials and meetings are available in identified
<br />priority languages at each school
<br />In preparation for the planning process, Alta will
<br />collect and analyze baseline data to understand
<br />the active transportation network deficiencies and
<br />opportunities in Santa Ana. Alta seeks to collect
<br />and review the following background data and
<br />documents to gain a better understanding of the
<br />school environment:
<br />SWITRS injury collision data (for the most
<br />recent available 10 years)
<br />Speed surveys, as available
<br />Traffic counts, as available
<br />Health assessments for each school from
<br />the Orange County Health Care Agency,
<br />California Health Interview Survey, and other
<br />sources
<br />Geographically based crime statistics
<br />u School attendance area maps
<br />School schedule information, including bell
<br />times and minimum days
<br />• School enrollment data and maps, if available
<br />• Student travel mode tallies/surveys, as avail-
<br />able (conducting new tallies described below)
<br />Demographic and Socioeconomic Data to
<br />support equity analyses
<br />Crossing guard locations
<br />Road and right-of-way data: curb and street
<br />markings, street lights, sidewalks, bikeway
<br />facilities, bike parking
<br />Relevant studies, reports, and grant
<br />applications
<br />Public transit nodes, major transit stops near
<br />schools, and boarding/alighting information,
<br />as available
<br />11 Land use data
<br />Existing and ongoing Active Transportation
<br />Efforts in Santa Ana and adjacent cities
<br />including Safe Mobility Santa Ana, Santa Ana
<br />In Motion, Santa Ana Downtown Complete
<br />Streets Plan, and OCTA, Garden Grove, and
<br />SCAG efforts
<br />A Data Request Memo will be prepared and
<br />provided to the City Project Manager outlining GIS
<br />and planning data requested from the City, County,
<br />