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and school districts to complete this review and <br />analysis. The Memo will detail what information is <br />needed from the City and/or school districts, and <br />what data Alta will be able to collect if not provided. <br />TASK 2.3. STUDENT TRAVEL TALLIES <br />In order to get a current baseline for student mode <br />of travel to school, we recommend conducting <br />Student Travel Tallies at all schools participating <br />in this project (assuming they do not have recent <br />tallies from other SRTS efforts). Student tallies <br />follow a standard protocol from the National SRTS <br />Center and are the most cost-effective way to <br />obtain student mode split data for large numbers <br />of schools. Based on our experiencing managing <br />the 180+ school Alameda County SRTS program <br />where annual travel tallies are a required compo- <br />nent, Alta has developed a very efficient process <br />for distributing tally forms, providing instruction <br />and training to teachers to administer tallies, and <br />collecting and entering the data. Alta will mail each <br />Santa Ana school a packet with specific instruc- <br />tions for conducting the tallies, a sufficient number <br />of tally forms in hardcopy (with an online form <br />option), and postage -paid return envelope to return <br />to Alta for data entry. Depending on the contract <br />start date, we will work with the City and school <br />districts to identify the optimal tally period to obtain <br />this baseline mode data. As SRTS improvements <br />are implemented in Santa Ana, follow up tallies <br />Alta has extensive experience leading walking audits, <br />which will result in a robust list of prioritized infrastructure <br />improvements the City can incorporate into ongoing <br />tnaintenance, capital improvement projects, and potential <br />grant funding applications, <br />can be conducted to track progress toward goals <br />of increasing active and shared modes of travel. <br />TASK 2.4. WALKING AUDITS <br />Walking audits offer both an outreach opportu- <br />nity and a formal process to identify needed engi- <br />neering improvements at Santa Ana's 62 project <br />schools. This task will result in a robust list of <br />prioritized infrastructure improvements the City <br />can incorporate into ongoing maintenance, lists of <br />Capital Improvement Projects, and potential grant <br />funding applications. Alta will work with City staff, <br />the PDT, and the 62 project schools to schedule <br />walking audits and invite stakeholders, such as <br />parents, faculty, school and school district staff, <br />law enforcement representatives, OCTA, commu- <br />nity organizations (e.g., Latino Health Access, <br />Santa Ana Active Streets, and the Safe Routes <br />to School National Partnership), and neighbors, <br />We will work with City staff to identify the specific <br />walking audit routes. <br />Pre -Audit Survey <br />Prior to conducting an audit, we will send a short <br />Pre -Audit Survey to the administrator of each <br />school (typically Principal or Vice Principal). We <br />have found that these surveys are helpful in gath- <br />ering basic information about Issues and hot spots <br />around the school, and allow us to more effectively <br />plan for and conduct the audits. The survey will ask <br />basic information about operational conditions at <br />the school, drop-off/pick-up procedures, and any <br />problem areas that the Walking Audit Team should <br />focus on. Information gathered from the survey will <br />help the team prepare the base mapping and better <br />understand conditions in advance of the walking <br />audit, including whether to schedule the audit <br />during the drop-off or pick-up period. Collected <br />background data will be assembled Into the base <br />maps to be used as the basis for the walking audit <br />and recommended improvement plan. <br />Conducting the Walking Audit <br />The Alta team will facilitate a walking audit at each <br />school during either school drop-off or pick-up <br />hours. Stakeholders invited to the audit will include <br />City staff (Active Transportation Coordinator, Public <br />Works, Planning), Santa Ana Police Department, <br />school and school district staff, parents, students, <br />community organizations (e.g., Latino Health <br />Access, Santa Ana Active Streets, and the Safe <br />Routes to School National Partnership), and other <br />interested community members. The session will <br />begin with a brief training for participants to review <br />the process. Stakeholders are given pens and clip- <br />boards, 8.Yx11"printed aerial maps of the schools, <br />F9 <br />