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RESO 2018-02_2123 N MAIN STREET
RESO 2018-02_2123 N MAIN STREET
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3/27/2018 3:53:34 PM
Creation date
3/27/2018 3:53:28 PM
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EXEMPT FROM FEES PURSUANT <br />TO GOVERNMENT CODE § 27383 <br />Proposed North Elevation: Removal of two crawl space vents due <br />to the change in the adjacent grade. <br />Proposed South Elevation: A pair of double windows (four windows <br />in total) will be removed and replaced with two new glass panel <br />wood French doors leading to a new raised outdoor dining deck. A <br />wall would be added to the south of the structure to buffer the <br />outdoor dining deck from the street. <br />Proposed East Elevation: An ADA ramp will be installed to allow <br />access to the outdoor deck. Due to the grade of the ramp a crawl <br />space vent will no longer be visible. <br />Proposed West Elevation: The porch will remain, but the porch <br />stoop will be reconfigured. The steps on each side of the stoop will <br />be removed and additional steps will be added to the front to allow <br />the steps to extend down to the new adjacent grade. <br />F. Pursuant to Santa Ana Municipal Code Section 30-6, the Historic <br />Resources Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on January 25, <br />2018 for the request for exterior modifications to the Melton House, <br />G. Since the property is listed on the Santa Ana Register of Historical <br />Properties, all exterior modifications are required to meet the Secretary of <br />Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. <br />1. The following Secretary of Interior's Standards are applicable: <br />i. Standard 1: The property will be given a new use as an <br />eating establishment that requires minimal changes to its <br />distinctive materials, features, spaces and spatial <br />relationships. <br />ii. Standard 2: The removal of distinct materials will be avoided. <br />Four windows on the new south elevation will be replaced <br />with doors to allow access in and out of the structure. The <br />new doors will be placed in the same location as the existing <br />windows to avoid the need for new openings. <br />iii. Standard 3: The property will be recognized as a physical <br />record of its time, place and use. Historic Property <br />Preservation Agreement No. 2015-02 for the subject <br />property commits the owner to maintaining the property in a <br />good state of repair and to rehabilitate the property as <br />necessary to maintain its character and appearance. <br />iv. Standard 4: Minimal changes to the exterior are proposed to <br />retain and preserve the historic significance of the structure. <br />Resolution No. 2018-02 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />
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