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9. A final detailed amenity plan must be reviewed and approved prior to issuance <br />of any building permits. The plan shall include details on the hardscape design, <br />lighting concepts and outdoor furniture for amenity, plaza, or courtyard areas as <br />well as an installation plan. The exact specifications for these items are subject <br />to the review and approval by the Planning Division. <br />10.After project occupancy, landscaping and hardscape materials must be <br />maintained as shown on the approved landscape plans. <br />11.A Resident Storage Plan shall be provided for the project prior to occupancy. <br />Storage shall be available at no cost to the residents. <br />12. Smart wiring, including cable television and high-speed cable for computers, <br />shall be provided for each unit and within the project's common areas. <br />13. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the following shall be completed: <br />a) Submit a construction schedule and staging plan to the Planning Division for <br />review and approval. The plan shall include construction hours, staging <br />areas, parking and site security/screening during project construction. <br />b) Block wall/fencing plans (including a site plan, section drawings, and <br />elevations depicting the height and material of all retaining walls, walls, and <br />fences) consistent with the grading plan shall be submitted to and be <br />approved by the Planning Division. <br />14. Prior to occupancy of any units, the following shall be completed: <br />a) A Rental Housing Operational Plan must be submitted to the Planning <br />Division for review and approval. At a minimum, the plan shall identify the <br />location of employee and visitor parking, the location of the rental office, <br />hours of operation for the rental office, and signage affiliated with the Rental <br />Housing Operational Plan. In addition, the Rental Housing Operational Plan <br />must clearly note that the parking and project amenities must be provided <br />free of charge to the residents. <br />b) A revised Parking Management Plan shall be submitted to the Planning <br />Division for review and approval. The plan shall include additional parking <br />spaces with accompanying exhibits and provisions for the distribution and <br />management of parking for residents, employees and guests. <br />15.As a result of the health risk assessment (HRA) and to reduce any adverse <br />health effects associated with diesel -truck emissions associated with the <br />project's proximity to the 1-5 Freeway, Applicant must install non-operable <br />windows on all windows facing the 1-5 Freeway and install air filtration systems <br />Resolution No. 2018 -XX <br />Page 8 of 10 <br />75A-134 <br />