<br />8.a:,1994.OlviI.Enginoering(
<br />Water Ra9etlroes, University of
<br />Oalffornia at Irvine
<br />partifloation?Lieense
<br />Professional Enginaer: OA
<br />Transportation Worker
<br />Idonttfioisdon Orodential:(TWIO),
<br />California, 2011
<br />Steven Conner, PE
<br />Water/Wastewater Technicial Lead
<br />Ur Conner is a prq fessonaf civil engineer with
<br />22 years of experience in the planning and
<br />design o f water infrastructure including
<br />production welts, pipelines, storage tanks,
<br />treatment systems, and boaster stations..
<br />Mr. Conner is responsible for projeet:management, design supervisiga,
<br />contractadministration, clienthateractlott and developnient, and person-
<br />nel man4ggMent, His expertise includes: complex putxping and piping
<br />systeazl�yout,l>ydrawltcdesigtt, grouiadwatersnpplyagdtrel<tlnentdesign,
<br />and construction phase assistance including startup and operation of
<br />pumpingand treatmentfacilldes. Mr, Conner coordinates.all engineering
<br />supportdlsciplines (civil, architectural, stractural, process, mechanical,
<br />electrical, ands&C) duringprejectdesign and construction phases,
<br />Areas of Expertise
<br />Cltyof$antaAna Wall 29ImprovementsAlternatives Anal
<br />• Well EquippingDeeign
<br />Santa Ana, CIA
<br />• Pipollno Design
<br />Project Manager. The City of Santa Ana owns anti operates Well 29, lo-
<br />+ Trenohiesspri and Installation no
<br />FioMabllitationan
<br />Gated at the southeasteorner of Flower Street and First Street, adjacent
<br />• Planning and design of major
<br />to City owned tennis aourts, Well 29pumps directly toanexisting 8MG
<br />water and wastewater fadlitles
<br />reservoir, The existing well site Includes the well head and discharge
<br />• Pump.stationdesign
<br />pipingassembly, control equipment, achlorinationsysteminabuilding,
<br />• In-depth evaluation orsystem
<br />and an SCE transformer, Analternatives analysis was conducted:torec-
<br />nowiraments tlesasrellafproposed
<br />new FaoAltlas as well as for
<br />ommeadu radesat'thesiteincludin siteim Improvements, structural,
<br />upgrades: g P ,
<br />rehabliitation, upgrade, or
<br />mechanical, and electrical upgrades. Highlights of the study include
<br />of existing pump
<br />develo in three 3) alternatives for the improved site providing D
<br />p g ( p' p' g 3
<br />stations
<br />stations
<br />+
<br />renderings for each site alternative, and developing a preliminary opin-
<br />Exporience
<br />ion of probable cost for the design and construction of each alternative.
<br />22 total years
<br />discussed, The City is moving forward with Implementing the recom-
<br />• lyearWlthHazon
<br />mended alternative from this analysis,
<br />Mojave Water Agency Regional Recharge and Recovery (As)
<br />Professional Activities
<br />Project, San Bonardino Oounty, OA
<br />American, Memb of Olvll
<br />Engtneors, Memdor
<br />Design Manager - Wells, Pump Station, Recharge Facility, Turnout Fa-
<br />g g g y+
<br />cilldes, Reservoirs, Disinfection System, and Pipelines. Mr. Conner
<br />provided engineering services to the Mojave Water Agency for the Re-
<br />gionalRecharge and Recovery (R3) Project, a high -profile water supply
<br />project in San Bernardino County, The project will ultimately recharge
<br />up to 40,000 acre-feet per year of State Water Project water into the
<br />UpperMc jave Rtver flood plain forlater distribution to member agencies.
<br />The phase I project included construction of six wells to extract up to
<br />Hazes
<br />