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Maine Avenue Complete Streets, Baldwin Park, CA <br />(Roadway Task Lead) <br />Sherry delivered fullA-E design services for the final PS&Es <br />along Malne Avenue to enhance traffic calming and street <br />beautification along this 1-mile corridor and roundabout. <br />Design services Included upgrades to existing ADA curb <br />ramps, commercial and residential driveways forADA <br />compliance, bulb -outs, and roundabout design. This project <br />Included a road diet, which modified the four -lane roadway <br />to provide a three -lane roadway, one through lane In each <br />direction and a continuous median or center left -turn lane <br />throughout, while improving pedestrian and bicycle safety. <br />Heritage Park Parking Lot Improvements, Irvine, CA <br />(Project Manager) <br />Sherry managed a fast -track design improvement to a <br />kore parking lot originally constructed In 1976. Our design <br />Improves circulation, FDR construction methods, capacity, <br />safety, water quality, and aesthetics. Careful concept <br />element consideration Included improved circulation and <br />ADA facilities, increased capacity, visually pleasing design, <br />sustainable features, and safety. Sherry prepared PS&E and <br />construction documents and helped obtain approval from <br />various City departments. <br />Hazard Avenue Corridor Bikeway Improvement Project, <br />Orange County, CA (Project Manager) <br />Sherry oversaw an alternatives analysis and provided design <br />support for an 8-mile blkoway through four Cities in Orange <br />County The bikeway consists of off-street segments along <br />former rail right -of way, Class IV (Cycle Track) segments <br />on a section of roadway that will be reduced from a four - <br />lane arterial to two-lane collector with center turn lane (road <br />diet), and bicycle boulevard segments through residential <br />neighborhoods. A comprehensive traffic impact analysis <br />was prepared for the Project Report and design concepts <br />developed for the on -road segments. A special study to <br />support an amendment of the County's Master Plan of <br />Arterial Highways was prepared for the road diet segments, <br />OC Great Park Sports Park, Irvine, CA (Project Manager) <br />Sherry managed final engineering design services for the <br />sport park's development and design, which includes 176 <br />acres of recreational sports and fully compliant accessible <br />site access. We designed precise grading, drainage, sewer <br />and water, and traffic facilities. We are currently providing <br />construction support services through completion. <br />Burbank Channel Bikeway Project, Burbank, CA <br />(Project Manager) <br />Sherry managed our full A-E and environmental services, <br />Including final PS&Es to complete an important blkeway <br />link through design of a Class I blkoway and multi -use trail <br />along the Burbank Channel. We have provided graphics and <br />presentations at council meetings, met with the community <br />* Denotes projects completed with other flans <br />In open gatherings and one-on•one with the City, and <br />helped develop a community survey to gather Input from all <br />Interested members, Our concept and final designs looked <br />closely at each of their concerns and provided detailed cost <br />estimates of the, proposed project alternatives. <br />Camino del Rio Roundabouts, San Clemente, CA <br />(QAIQC PS&E) <br />Sherry oversaw the design of two large roundabouts and <br />street design. Our roundabout solution proved to be well - <br />received in addressing future traffic volume, speeding, <br />and safety Issues. We provided full A-E and final PS&E <br />design services, including drought tolerant landscaping that <br />improved circulation for pedestrians and bicyclists, <br />San Diego Crook Channel Bike Trail Relocation, <br />Irvine, CA (Project Manager) <br />Sherry provided engineering services, including final PS&Es <br />for restoring.a 1.2-mlle segment of the San Diego Creek <br />Channel, Paved bicycle and hiking trails border the channel. <br />Her scope included Improvements to relocate the bike trail <br />at Alton Parkway along the Canon USA property within <br />the channel right of way. Channel structural improvements <br />were designed to replace eroded and damaged areas <br />of the channel including rip rap structures, grade control <br />'structures, and eroded soll cement ramps and slopes. <br />The relocation Includes grading, asphalt paving, fencing, <br />ADA improvements, signage, striping Improvements, and <br />minor landscaping. Sherry prepared a detailed right-of-way <br />mapping base to define the existing right of way and any <br />new easements early In the design so the City could secure <br />timely right-of-way acquisition. <br />CulverlUniversify Intersection Improvement, Irvine, CA <br />(Project Manager) <br />Sherry managed engineering, environmental, and <br />architectural design services. She oversaw PS&E <br />preparation and the design of roadway, grading, structures, <br />storm drain, landscape, and utility construction documents <br />to improve level of service at this busy intersectlon in <br />conformance to Complete Streets goals. The project, <br />scheduled for construction In summer of 2018, provides an <br />additional through lane along Culver Drive in each direction <br />and right -turn lanes to Improve traffic flows. <br />Campus DrivelBristol Street lntersaction Improvement, <br />Orange County, CA (Project Manager) <br />The project widened southbound Campus Drive to provide <br />an additional 600-foot-long, third right turn lane onto <br />northbound Bristol Street. The work included the partial <br />demolition and reconstruction of an existing maintenance <br />building, reconstruction of existing traffic facilities, installation <br />of a new overhead sign, utility relocations, minor grading <br />and re -vegetation, We provided traffic, civil, geotechnical, <br />architecture, and landscape architecture services. <br />I <br />