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Victoria Street Rehabilitation, Costa Mesa, CA <br />(Principal-in-ChargelOC Supervisor) <br />Mohammad oversaw civil engineering and topographic <br />surveying services to rehabilitate roadway pavement for <br />Victoria Street from Harbor Boulevard to the Santa Ana <br />River. There are several signalized intersections within <br />the project limits, including intersections with Harbor <br />Boulevard, Maple Avenue, Pomona Avenue, Placentia <br />Avenue, NatloralAvenue, American Avenue, Canyon <br />Drive, and Victoria Place/Valley Road, The Improvement <br />scope included pavement rehabilitation; reconstruction( <br />rehabilitation of damaged curb and gutter, cross gutters, <br />and sidewalks; driveways and driveway approaches; <br />detailed design modifications to Improve nuisance flow <br />drainage problems; and wheel chair ramps to meet ADA <br />requirements, He also prepared separate signing and <br />striping plans and traffic control plans to Implement the <br />project Improvements.' <br />17th Streat/Tustin Avenue and Harbor Boulevard/ <br />Wilson Street Intersections Improvements, <br />Costa Mesa, CA (Prinelpal•In-Charge/GIC Supervisor) <br />Mohammad oversaw PS&E preparation for intersection <br />capacity and aesthetic improvements at the 17th Street/ <br />Tustin Avenue and Harbor Soulevard/Wilson Street <br />Intersections. Project capacity improvements at 17th <br />Streal(TustinAvenue included exclusive right -turn lanes on <br />the eastbound and northbound approaches and a far -side <br />bus turn -out on eastbourxl 17th Street, The improvements <br />at this location also included decorative crosswalks across <br />all approaches of the Intersection, new curb returns and <br />ADA-compliant access ramps, new sidewalk and tree <br />wells, raised medians with landscaping and irrigation <br />systems, and new street lighting. Improvements at Harbor <br />Boulevard and Wilson Street included an exolusive <br />westbound right-tum lane, including retaining wall design, <br />The firm prepared all street improvement plans for these <br />projects, including roadway plan and profiles, detail <br />sheets, traffic signal modification, signing and striping, and <br />street lighting. <br />* Denotes proJoets completed with other firms <br />i <br />Smoketree Lane and Jeffrey Road Intersection <br />Improvements, Irvine, CA (Principal•In-Charge) <br />") <br />Mohammad oversaw street widening improvements <br />at the Smoketree Lane and Jeffrey Road intersection. <br />Services included field design survey, roadway <br />widening on Smoketree Lane to provide exclusive <br />right and left -turn lanes at Jeffrey Road, right-of-way <br />engineering, new traffic signal installation, signing and <br />striping Improvements, concrete bus pad Installation, <br />gootechnlcal and hydrology analysis, utility coordination <br />and potholing, and landscaping and irrigation system <br />improvements. We also prepared separate traffic <br />control plans for project Improvement construction. <br />Culver Drive and Walnut Avenue Intersection <br />Improvements*, Irvine, CA (Principal-In•Charge) <br />Mohammad oversaw engineering design services, <br />Including widening improvements along the eastern <br />side of Culver Drive between Walnut Avenue and <br />Scottsdale; widening Improvements along the western <br />7 <br />side of Walnut Avenue between Culver Drive and <br />500 feet west of Culver Drive; construction of raised <br />medians, driveways, bus Illmeute, and access ramps; <br />utility relocations; and offsfte grading. Services <br />r <br />Included final PS&E and right-of-way mapping, Final <br />PS&E services included a design topographic survey; <br />w j <br />preparation of roadway plans and profile drawings <br />for roadway widening; pavement rehabilitation; <br />C <br />offsfte grading, landscape, signing and striping, <br />and Intersection traffic signal plans; and technical <br />i <br />specifications. <br />r� <br />Jamboree Road Widening, Newport Beach, CA <br />(QC Supervisor) <br />c <br />Mohammad oversaw engineering design services <br />r <br />for widening improvements along the eastern side' <br />of Jamboree Road between Bristol Street North and <br />v <br />Fairchild Road, at the MacArthur Boulevard intersection <br />to provide one additional northbound through lane and <br />„ u <br />one additional southbound left -turn lane on Jamboree <br />Road, Services included preparing conceptual <br />landscape and engineering plans, environmental <br />documentation, right-of-way mapping, and final PS&E, <br />Final PS&E services included a design topographic <br />L 1 <br />survey; preparation of roadway plans and prcflle <br />drawings for roadway widening; pavement <br />u <br />rehabilitation; offsfte grading, landscape, signing and <br />striping, and Intersection traffic signal plans; and <br />L y <br />technical specifications, <br />L. il <br />V.� <br />LJ <br />I <br />