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Maine Avenue Complete Streets, Baldwin Park, CA* <br />(Princlpal-in-Charge) ' <br />Rook managed transportation planning and full A-E <br />design services along Maine Avenue to enhance traffic <br />calming and street beautlflcatlon along this 1-mile corridor <br />and roundabout located at the Maine Avenue and Olive <br />Street intersection. The Maine Avenue corridor project <br />was a road diet, which modified the four -lane roadway to <br />provide a three -lane roadway, one through lane in each <br />direction and a continuous median or center left -turn lane <br />throughout, while improving pedestrian and bicycle safety. <br />CV Link, Coachella Valley, CA* (Princlpal-In•Charge) <br />Rock is providing traffic engineering and urban bikeway <br />designs. This project will construct a 70-mile multi -use <br />trail across the developed portions of the Coachella Valley <br />from Palm Springs to Coachella city along the Whitewater <br />River Wash. It will be separated from traffic for most of Its <br />length and will serve cyclists, hikers, neighborhood electric <br />vehicles, and other eligible users, <br />OC Loop Feasibility Study, Orange County, CA* <br />(Principal m-Charge) <br />Rock oversaw feasibility study preparation to connect <br />existing bicycle and recreational trails to form a continuous <br />loop through North Orange County. The final project <br />will cover more than 70 miles, including about 40 miles <br />of existing beachfront and levee trails with 30 miles of <br />new trail along smaller waterways, railroad rights of way, <br />and urban separated bikeway segments, The project <br />will Include several complex structures to separate from <br />freeways, high -volume arterials, active rail corridors, and <br />challenging waterway channels. <br />Model Design Manual for Living Streets, Los Angeles, <br />CA' (Non -motorized Transportation Expert) <br />Rock assisted the County of Los Angeles, Department of <br />Public Health, in developing their Street Design Manual, <br />This manual focuses on all users and all modes, seeking <br />to achieve balanced street design that accommodates <br />oars, while making sure that pedestrians, cyclists, and <br />transit users can travel safely and comfortably. This <br />manual also incorporates features to make streets <br />lively, beautiful, and economically vibrant; as well as <br />environmentally sustainable, <br />Rock participated in the two-day public charafte program <br />and helped author the report bicycle and liability chapters. <br />The report outlines the objectives to achieve "living <br />streets" goals, including making the roadways safe and <br />pleasant for all users, <br />Short Range Bicycle Friendly Improvement Program, <br />Long Beach, CA' (Project Manager) <br />Rock served as the project manager for the City of <br />Long Beach efforts to become the most bicycle -friendly <br />community In the Country. He has obtained three <br />Requests to Experiment from the Federal Highway <br />Administration for innovative bicycle facilities, including his <br />award -winning green sharrow lane, downtown protected <br />bikeway facilities, bicycle boulevards, and buffered <br />bicycle lanes, Rock also identified and prepared plans <br />to implement miles of bikeways through lane narrowing, <br />eliminating travel lanes, and innovative treatments. <br />Burbank Channel Blkeway Project, Burbank, CA* <br />(Princlpaldn•Charge) <br />Rock is managing full A-E and environmental services <br />to the City of Burbank, which completes an Important <br />bikeway link through design of a Class I bikeway and <br />multiuse trail along the Burbank Channel. This bikeway <br />will extend from the Clty's Metrolink station south toward <br />the Los Angeles River Trail located just beyond the <br />City limits, We have provided presentations at council <br />meetings, met with the community In open gatherings and <br />one-on-ons with the City, and helped develop a community <br />survey to gather Input from all Interested members. Our <br />concept designs looked closely at each of their concerns <br />and provided detailed cast estimates of the proposed <br />project alternatives. <br />Bicycle Improvement Program, Riverside, CA* <br />(Project Manager) <br />Rock managed review of existing infrastructure and <br />potential changes to improve bikeway infrastructure In <br />Riverside, We helped identify potential projects that were <br />easily implementable and Inexpensive, while providing <br />greatly improved bicycle facilities. We specifically analyzed <br />various options for University Avenue and Blaine Street <br />near University of California, Riverside, and analyzed <br />Brockton Avenue from 10th Street to Bandini Street <br />for a potential road diet. We also analyzed various <br />other potential facilities, including Class III facilities and <br />connections to the Santa Ana River trail, <br />D <br />'Denotes projects cmnplotod w/th other firms � <br />