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Beach Boulevard/WarnerAvenue Intersection <br />Improvements, Huntington Beach, CA, <br />(Project Manager and Traffic Engineer) <br />Keith provided preliminary engineering, feasibility study, <br />and project report preparation for Improvements to this <br />major intersection. Intersection widening alternatives <br />Included evaluation of exclusive right -turn lanes for <br />existing and 2030 traffic conditions. Services included a <br />laser -scan design survey, utility and right-of-way research, <br />development of geometric alignment plans for each <br />alternative, and implementation cost estimates. Technical <br />memorandums were prepared for documentation of <br />project features and design criteria and the traffic analysis, <br />The traffic analysis identifled level of service (LOS) <br />improvements and design queues associated with each <br />alternative using the Traffix and SynchroTM Models. An <br />encroachment permit was obtained from Caltans for <br />conducting the design survey within state right of way. <br />Free Right Turn Lane at Fred Waring Drive and <br />Highway 111, Palm Desert, CA <br />(Traffic Design Task Manager) <br />Keith provided services fora free right Turn lane from <br />westbound Fred Waring Drive to northbound Highway t11 <br />The proposed free right -turn lane will replace the existing <br />dual right -turn lanes and will reduce congestion at the <br />Intersection by eliminating signalized control for the right - <br />turn movement. The specific elements of work include <br />traffic signal modifications and signing and striping design <br />plans, <br />Oso Parkway Roadway Widening, Mission Viejo, CA <br />(Traffic Design Task Manager) <br />Keith managed preliminary and final design plans for <br />widening Improvements on Coo Parkway between the <br />1.5 freeway and County Club Drive, He prepared a traffic <br />capacity and operations analysis of widening alternatives <br />and recommended adding one lane In each direction <br />on Ose Parkway and modifying the signals at the 1.5 <br />ramps County Club and Montanoso Drives. The widening <br />Improvements will require the acquisition of additional right <br />of way on both sides of the street and relooation of several <br />utilities along the existing sidewalks, The box culvert for <br />Coo Creek will be lengthened to accommodate the new <br />lanes in each direction. <br />"Demotes projects completed with other firms <br />1.5 Northbound Off -Ramp at La Paz RoadlMuldands <br />Boulevard, Mission Viejo, CA (Design Manager) <br />This project, originally designed by the County of Orange, <br />also Included roadway Improvements to La Paz Road and <br />Mulrlands Boulevard In addition to the off -ramp. The City <br />of Mission Viejo, having assumed responsibility for project <br />Implementation,, selected the firm to modify the original <br />design to provide greater capacity Improvement on the off - <br />ramp. The improvements provided two additional lanes at <br />the ramp terminus and Included redesigning the geometric <br />crass -section of the ramp, a raised channelization island, <br />signing and striping, and traffic signal and ramp motor <br />modification. This project required coordination and review <br />from Caltrans. <br />Smokelree Lane and Jeffrey Road Intersection <br />Improvements, Irvine, CA (Project Manager) <br />Keith oversaw widening Improvements and traffic signal <br />installation at the Intersection ofSmoketree Lane and <br />Jeffrey Road in the City of Irvine. Services Included field <br />design survey, roadway widening on Smokstree Lane to <br />provide exclusive right and left -turn lanes at Jeffrey Road, <br />right-of-way engineering, now traffic signal installation, <br />signing and striping Improvements, concrete bus pad <br />installation, geotechnical and hydrology analysis, utility <br />coordination and potholing, and landsoaping and irrigation <br />system improvements., He also prepared separate traffic <br />control plans for construction of the project Improvements. <br />