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Daryl Zerfass <br />Daryl has more than 25 years of experience in multiple aspects of <br />PE, PTP <br />traffic engineering and transportation planning, He has a proven <br />record of managing large-scale traffic studies efficiently and <br />TransportationlTraffic <br />effectively, His projects include freeway facility and Interchange <br />studies for PSRs and PRs, traffic Impact studies for large-soale <br />development projects, transportation studies for Specific Plans <br />Education <br />and General Plan updates, large -area transportation studies, <br />corridor studies, transportation nexus fee studies, traffic model <br />SS, Civil Engineering <br />development, and land -use related circulation studies. <br />RegistrationslCsrtiffcations <br />• Professional Engineer#TRf824 <br />Hazard Avenue Corridor Sikeway Improvement Project, <br />(Traffic), CA <br />Orange County,, CA (Traffic Task Manager) <br />• Professional Transportation Planner #454, <br />Daryl provided a traffic analysis and design support for an 8-mile <br />Transportation Professional Certification <br />bikeway through four Orange County cities. The bikeway consists <br />Board Inc <br />of off-street segments along former rail right of way, Class IV <br />(Cycle Track) segments on a section of roadway that will be <br />Why select <br />reduced from a four -lane arterial to two-lane collector with center- <br />• On -call traffic experience, including <br />turn lane (road diet), and bicycle boulavan] segments through <br />Orange County agencies <br />residential neighborhoods. A comprehensive traffic Impact analysis <br />• Expert in tra#lo and transportation planning <br />was prepared for the Project Report, and design concepts were <br />and engineering <br />developed for the on -road segments. A special study to support an <br />• Significant design experience for local public <br />amendment of the County's Master Plan of Arterial Highways was <br />Infrastructure projects <br />prepared for the road diet segments. <br />Beach Cities living Streets Design Manual and Aviation <br />Boulevard Multimodal Corridor, Redondo Beach, Manhattan <br />Beach, and Hermosa Beach, CA (Quality Manager) <br />Daryl is quality manager for the Aviation Boulevard Multimodal <br />Corridor Plan, Currently, bike facilities do not exist along the heavily <br />congested Aviation Boulevard and no reasonably close parallel <br />routes for bicyclists exist, We are identifying and 00nMptually <br />designing Improvements to bicycle and pedestrian facilities within <br />the existing right of way to provide a welcoming living streets <br />atmosphere, <br />* Denotes pigjacts completed with other firms <br />e;:�e <br />