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Chattel will edit, format, and produce three electronic iterations of the CHRR. The draft CHRR will be submitted to the <br />team for review and comment. The screencheck CHRR will integrate comments and corrections. The final CHRR is <br />intended to be included in the PEIR as an appendix and will provide the information necessary for PlaceWorks to <br />prepare the Cultural Resources sections of the PEIR. <br />• Reviews of PEIR and Responses to Comments. Chattel will review the draft PEIR with respect to the Cultural <br />Resources section, the analysis of potential impacts to cultural resources, and the analysis of alternatives and will <br />provide comments to the team. Chattel will also review the draft Responses to Comments on the PEIR that address <br />cultural resources. It is assumed that both these documents, the PEIR and the Responses to Comments, will be <br />prepared by PlaceWorks. <br />• Meetings and Hearings. This task includes attendance by the Chattel Project Manager (Principal Associate) at three <br />public hearings and two team meetings (three hours per meeting are allocated) and attendance by the Principal <br />(Project Architect) at one meeting or hearing. <br />Archaeological and Paleontological Studies <br />Chattel will subcontract these studies to qualified archaeologists and paleontologists. The archaeological and <br />paleontological studies will characterize the City's cultural heritage based on desktop records searches and existing <br />understandings of relevant chronologies and geology. Records searches at SCCIC, NAHC, and the appropriate natural <br />history museum will be performed. Each study will discuss existing conditions, regulatory environment, potential <br />project impacts, and recommended mitigation. <br />Deliverable(s): <br />Records searches (the cost of the records search for SCCIC and the natural history museum is estimated to cost <br />between $1,000 and $2,000). <br />5 hard -copy administrative drafts of the Cultural Heritage Resource Report <br />1 hard -copy final draft (and electronic version) <br />1 set of electronic files, as noted in the RFP, of final public Cultural Heritage Resource Report <br />1.4 Noise Analysis <br />PlaceWorks will prepare noise and vibration technical analyses to evaluate potential impacts associated with the <br />General Plan Update. This task will follow the City's completion of the Land Use Visioning and the associated Policy <br />Framework. The assessment of impacts will be based on federal, state, and local ordinances, policies, and threshold <br />standards, including those in the City of Santa Ana's updated General Plan Noise Element and Municipal Code. We <br />understand that the EIR for the General Plan Update will be programmatic and that it will be focused on identifying the <br />impacts on sensitive land uses from the comprehensive update of the General Plan. To support the City's compilation <br />of the GPU EIR documentation, PlaceWorks staff will prepare a thorough Noise and Vibration Technical Study. <br />Existing Conditions <br />We will use our extensive experience and knowledge of the City of Santa Ana to identify the predominant sources of <br />environmental noise, including vehicular traffic, rail traffic, aircraft operations, and stationary sources at existing land <br />uses in the study area. To document existing ambient noise conditions, a field measurement survey will be conducted. <br />The ambient noise measurement survey will consist of 15 short-term (15 -minute) locations and 5 long-term (48-hour) <br />noise monitoring locations within the City. These locations will be selected by PlaceWorks, in coordination with City <br />staff, and will take into consideration the major roadways and highways in the planning area. Major rail lines will also <br />be investigated, as well as airport/heliport facilities (primarily John Wayne/Orange County Airport (SNA); just outside <br />October 17, 2018 Page 7 <br />
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