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the City limits). The field data will establish the baseline existing noise environment and will be used to validate the <br />traffic and modeling conducted for the EIR. <br />Construction Noise and Vibration Assessment <br />Construction impacts with implementation of the project will be evaluated at a programmatic level for the General <br />Plan. Future noise and vibration effects from construction activities will be discussed in terms of industry -standard <br />analysis techniques (such as from the U.S. Federal Transit Administration) and using programmatic guidelines regarding <br />typical scheduling, equipment mix, hauling, and truck trips for expected development. Feasible mitigation measures <br />will be identified to minimize future construction -related impacts in the study area. <br />Long -Term Operational Impacts <br />An evaluation of long-term noise and vibration impacts from the operation of the proposed uses will be provided based <br />on the proposed land use designations and future anticipated transportation improvements for the area. Future <br />roadway-, railway-, and airway -related noise in the City will be analyzed. As with the existing conditions, future <br />roadway -related conditions will be assessed using a version of the U.S. Federal Highway Administration Traffic Noise <br />Model. The resulting noise level contours will rely on General Plan buildout traffic forecasts provided by IBI Group. The <br />noise analysis will identify areas along roadway segments that would be exposed to noise level increases above the <br />City's impact criteria. <br />Existing and Future Noise Contour Map <br />To graphically summarize the overall, existing and future community noise environments throughout the city, a <br />comprehensive noise level contour map will be generated by PlaceWorks technical and GIS staff. This future conditions <br />map will included noise levels associated with the major roadways and railways in (or near) the city as well as pertinent <br />portions of the SNA noise levels (primarily affecting the SR -55 corridor, west of Red Hill Avenue). For rail- and aircraft - <br />related future noise conditions, we will use published information sources concerning projected changes in rail <br />movements and aircraft operations. <br />Stationary Noise Impacts <br />Noise impacts from nontransportation sources such as major commercial/light-industrial uses will be discussed in <br />terms of potential impacts to nearby noise -sensitive receptors. Other, nontransportation noise sources in the City (such <br />as such as HVAC units, maintenance activities, and periodic truck movements) are expected to be of secondary <br />importance to the traffic -related impacts, and these other sources will be discussed qualitatively. Future noise <br />environments will be discussed for the proposed uses in the plan area, and noise mitigation (include a supplemental <br />recommendations for self -mitigating Noise Element policies) will be provided to reduce potential impacts to future <br />sensitive land uses related to noise, if applicable. <br />Noise and Vibration Technical Study <br />The results of the technical analyses described above will be compiled into the Noise and Vibration Technical Study to <br />be used in the General Plan Update EIR. Pertinent calculation/modeling details will be provided in an appendix. <br />PlaceWorks has included up to eight hours to address comments from the City on the draft technical study report. <br />Meetings <br />PlaceWorks noise and vibration technical staff will attend, as appropriate, the following meetings and public hearings: <br />Kick-off meeting <br />3 progress meetings/conference calls with City Staff <br />October 17, 2018 Page 8 <br />
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