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• 1 Planning Commission General Plan & Zoning subcommittee meeting or study session <br />1 Planning Commission hearing <br />1 City Council hearing <br />Additional meeting attendance by PlaceWorks will be billed on a time -and -materials basis in accordance with the <br />hourly rates for the personnel involved. <br />Deliverable(s): <br />-- 5 hard -copy administrative drafts of the Noise and Vibration Impact Technical Report <br />1 hard -copy final draft (and electronic version) <br />- 1 set of electronic files, as noted in the RFP, of final public technical report, including GIS shapefiles of future <br />noise contour mapping work products <br />1.5 Hydrology, Water Quality, and Infrastructure <br />Fuscoe Engineering will request, obtain, and review the most current storm drain master plan covering the City of <br />Santa Ana as well as Orange County Flood Control District (OCFCD) master plans or regional studies (Le., Specific Plans) <br />covering the City of Santa Ana. Fuscoe will obtain and review Capital Improvement Project priorities and budgets, <br />including any planned local or regional storm drain capital improvement projects. An evaluation of the existing storm <br />drain infrastructure in the city and accompanying master plans will be conducted to determine overall adequacy and <br />consistency to meet the current General Plan buildout conditions. The most current capital improvement project <br />priorities in the city for storm drain Improvements will also be evaluated, and a summary of improvements made over <br />the past five years will be included in the report. Fuscoe will also evaluate the effectiveness of such improvements to <br />support future land use changes. A brief summary will be included of the City's compliance efforts for the local MS4 <br />Stormwater Program, including any policies or objectives for water quality improvement. The report will summarize the <br />existing conditions status and include GIS -based exhibits showing the existing storm drain system, watershed <br />designations, OCFCD flood control facilities, and any regional water quality BMPs. <br />Upon receipt of the preferred land use plan and maximum buildout conditions, Fuscoe will evaluate the impact of the <br />full buildout conditions on the local storm drain system and will work with the City's Public Works Department to <br />determine necessary infrastructure improvements to support the future land uses. Any long-term OCFCD <br />improvements that would positively impact local drainage conditions will be identified. <br />Based on local soil conditions, Fuscoe will identify the most suitable water quality BMPs for future redevelopment <br />projects. Fuscoe will also assist with the analysis and feasibility of proposing multibenefit capital improvement plans <br />and specific projects that converge storm water/watershed, parks, and streets projects to promote regional and <br />localized stormwater capture and infiltration/reuse consistent with local watershed improvement goals. <br />The report will analyze the CEQA thresholds (Appendix G) plus any additional required thresholds from the City of <br />Santa Ana related to hydrology and water quality. <br />Fuscoe will also attend meetings and participate in conference calls with City staff and team members to resolve <br />technical issues, and will assist PlaceWorks with qualitative support for land use alternatives as requested, Fuscoe will <br />provide technical responses to comments from City staff on the administrative draft EIR and to Draft EIR comments <br />from the public, as needed. The budget assumes up to 20 hours for meetings, hearings, responses to comments, and <br />alternatives analysis. <br />October 17, 2018 Page <br />
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