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1.23 "Holder" means the holder of any Security instrument. <br />1,24 "Expressly Restricted Use" means any use for: (a) offices of ally division, agency or bureau of any foreign government or <br />subdivision thereof, (b) offices of any health care professionals or for the provision of any health care services, (c) any schools, (d) any retail or <br />restaurant uses, (a) any residential use, (1) any communications uses such as broadcasting radio and/or television stations, (g) "executive suite" type <br />uses where office suites are maintained for individual rental, or (h) any occupancy density greater than the average occupancy density for office <br />tenants orthe Project. - <br />1.25 The "FMRR" of the Premises for a particular Extension Tenn (as defined in Schedule "J-V) or for a particular Leased First <br />Right Space (as defined in Schedule "J•2' for the term of Tenant's lease thereof, shall be equal to the rent per square foot of Rentable Area that <br />Landlord has agreed to accept, or if Landlord determines that these has not been a reasonable number of current comparable transactions in the <br />Project, that landlords of the Comparable Buildings have agreed to accept, and sophisticated nonaffiliated tenants of the Project and/or Comparable <br />Buildings have agreed to pay, in current aims -length, non equity (i.e„ not being offered equity in the building), transactions for comparable space (in <br />terms of condition, floor location, view and floor height) of a comparable size (in terms of square feet of Rentable Area), for a term equal to the <br />Extension Terns (or the terns or Tenant's lease of the applicable Leased First Right Space) and with a commencement dale within six (6) months <br />before or after the first day of the Extension Term (or the applicable Offered Space Scheduled Commencement Data (as defined in Schedule "J-2' ), <br />which rent per square root shall take into account and make adjustment for the existence, timing and amount of any increases in rent following term <br />commencement in the comparison transactions, and shall at all times take into consideration and make adjustment for all other material differences in <br />all terms, conditions or factors (applicable to the transaction in question hereunder or applicable to one or more of the comparison transactions used <br />to determine the FMRR) that a sophisticated tenant or sophisticated landlord would believe would have a material impact on a "fair market rental" <br />determination; provided, however, that: (a) the rent for all comparison transactions shall be adjusted to reflect payment of operni ng expenses and <br />real estate taxes in the same manner as the same are payable hereunder (e.g., if this is a modified, full service gross lease, the rent for all comparison <br />transactions shall, if applicable, be grossed up to reflect payment of operating expenses and taxes in excess of a base year as of the year of <br />commencement of the transaction), (b) the presence, amount or absence of brokerage commissions in either the subject transaction or the comparison <br />transactions shall be disregarded, (c) any rent abatement or other free rent of any type provided in comparison transactions for the period of the <br />performance orally tenant improvement work (i.e., any "construction period") shall be disregarded, and (d) if any tenant improvements or allowance <br />provided for in comparable transactions shall be taken into account, then the value of any existing improvements fa the Premises (or the Leased First <br />Right Space) shall also be accounted for in the calculation of the FMRR (provided that if in determining the FMRR for a subject transaction <br />hereunder, it is determined that tbee rent or cash allowances (collectively, "Concessions") should be granted, Landlord may, at Landlord's sole <br />option, elect all or any portion of the following: (i) to grant some or all of the Concessions to Tenant as free rent or as an improvement allowance, or <br />(ii) to adjust the monthly installments of the Base Rent payable for tie Extension Tern or with respect to the Leased First Right Space, as the case <br />may be, to be an effective rental rate which takes into consideration and deducts from monthly rent the amortized amount of the total dollar value of <br />such Concessions, amortized on a straight line basis over the Extension Term or the term of Tenant's lease of the Leased First Right Space, as <br />applicable in which case die Concessions so amortized shall not be provided to Tenant). <br />1.26 "Force Majeure Events" means events described in Section 17.5 below. <br />1.27 "klandle", "trundled", or "Handling" meoos, with respect to Hazardous Materials, any installation, handling, generation, <br />storage, treatment, use, disposal, discharge, release, mnnufacture, refinement, presence, migration, emission, abatement, removal, transportation, or <br />any other activity of any type iu connection with or involving such Hazardous Materials. <br />1.28 "Hazardous Materials" means: (a) any material or substance: (i) that is defined or that becomes defined as a "hazardous <br />substance', "hazardous waste," "infectious waste," "chemical mixture or substance," or "air pollutant" under Environmental Laws; (if) that contains <br />petroleum, crude oil or any fraction thereof; (III) that contains polychlotinated biphenyls (PCB's); (iv) that constitutes asbestos or asbestos -containing <br />material: (v) that is radioactive; or (vi) that is infectious; or (b) any other material or substance displaying toxic, reactive, ignitable or corrosive <br />characteristics, as all such terms are used in [heir broadest sense. <br />1.29 "Ilaldover Rental Rate" means an amount equal to one hundred fifty percent (150%) or the greater of: (a) Landlord's then <br />published asking rental rate or (b) the Base Rent and Additional Rent payable by Tenant to Landlord during the last month of the Term of this Lease. <br />1.30 "Initial Premises" means the premises described in Item 2.3 of the Basic Lease Provisions. <br />1.31 "Initial Term" means the period (which shall commence rah the Commencement Date) that is described in Item 3.3 ofthe Basic <br />Lease Provisions; provided that if the Commencement Date shall occur on a day other than the first day of Lilly calendar month, for purposes of <br />calculating the dale on which the Initial 'Penn is scheduled to expire (i.e„ the Expiration Date for the Initial Term) and the timing craft scheduled <br />increases in Base Rent during the Initial Term (but not for any other purpose), the Commencement Date shall be deemed to be the first day of the <br />calendar month following the Commencement Date. <br />1.32 "Institlrtional Owner Practices" means the practices of the majority or the institutional owners of institutional grade first-class <br />ofiiec projects in Orange County, Cali fornin. <br />1.33 `interest Rate" means an annual rate of interest equal to the Reference Rate plus two percent (20/4), <br />1.34 "Landlord Default" is defined in Section 16.1 below, <br />1.35 -Landlord Parties" means, collectively, Landlord, Ocean West Capital Pnrners, I.I.C. Fortress Investment Group, LLC, slid the <br />Property Manoger, and each of their Affiliates and Of of their respective partners. member, officers, managers. directors, trustees, employees, <br />retirees, beneficiaries, counactors (including internal invcstmeut contractors), agents, advisors. motgugecs and ground lessors, agents, successors <br />and assigns, <br />�Y01 IV'Chk Center Dr -City ofSoala; inn Leone -2- <br />