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Orozco, Norma <br />From: <br />Sent: <br />To: <br />Subject: <br />Categories: <br />To whom it may concern, <br />Diana Lerich <> <br />Monday, July 13, 2020 9:12 PM <br />eComment <br />7-Eleven Convenience Store <br />Correspondence <br />My name is Diana Lerich, and I am a mother of 3. I understand that opening a convenience store may have its appeal, <br />but I am a concern citizen who lives within the community. Having a store that is so close to residential areas and a public <br />elementary school poses so many threats especially it being open 24/7. It is not safe to have such a convenience store so <br />close by where it would warrant threats of those who are up to no good at odd hours of the night. I am concern for mine, <br />my husband's and children's safety while they are at school and while we are home sleeping at night. I must reiterate that <br />this is an awful idea to build such business in this nearby area. We already have so much going on in our community, and <br />I really hope that as a community, our voice is going to be heard about this 7-eleven being built. <br />Thank you, <br />Diana Lerich <br />