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EIR No. 2020-01, GPA No. 2020-02, & AA No. 2020-01 — The Bowery Mixed -Use Development <br />May 26, 2020 <br />Page 2 <br />Following the May 11, 2020 Planning Commission hearing, staff and the environmental <br />consultant prepared a memorandum that addresses the two written communications sent by <br />Lozeau Drury LLP and Mitchell M. Tsai. The memorandum is attached as Exhibit 1. <br />In addition, the Planning Commission received a request from the City of Tustin requesting a <br />two -week continuance to May 26, 2020 to allow City of Tustin staff additional time to review the <br />final environmental impact report (EIR) and the EIR's responses to comments. On May 21, the <br />City of Tustin provided additional comments on the Final EIR. A review of the May 21 letter <br />indicates that the City of Tustin's questions are adequately answered by the Final EIR on pages <br />2-49 through 2-62 (Responses to Comments). <br />Lastly, following Planning Commission questions, staff prepared the following clarifications to <br />address onsite open space. Like most cities, Santa Ana does not have a development regulation <br />requiring public parkland on residential developments, but instead, has onsite open space <br />requirements to address active and passive recreation. <br />When reviewing proposals for Specific Development zones, staff often compare proposed <br />projects against the development standards found in other existing mixed -use documents. For <br />reference, the City's Metro East Mixed -Use Overlay Zone (MEMU) and Harbor Mixed -Use <br />Transit Corridor Specific Plan (SP-2) require the most amount of onsite open space, equivalent <br />to 15 percent of the development lot area. <br />The project's proposed open space will be provided onsite in a variety of means and equals <br />approximately 39 percent of the development area (5.76 acres), including ground -level recreation <br />areas, landscape areas, plazas, walkways, courtyards, paseos, balconies, roof amenity decks, <br />community rooms, fitness, and other services. Of this acreage, 2.44 acres (17 percent of the <br />entire site) will be publicly accessible open space located on the ground floor. This area includes <br />the central paeso, plaza, walkways and landscape area. The remaining 3.32 acres will be private <br />common open space areas for residents that will contain pools, courtyards, fitness areas, relief <br />areas for pets, and other amenities typical to high -quality mixed -use developments found in <br />Santa Ana and in Orange County. Of this 3.32 acres of private/resident area, 1.59 acres is <br />provided through residential patios and balconies. <br />During the 45-day comment period on the draft EIR, the cities of Tustin and Irvine sent letters <br />expressing concerns with Santa Ana allowing new residential land uses near the cities' borders <br />because residents in Santa Ana would result in additional strain on their parks. Subsequent to <br />receiving these comments, the City prepared responses to comments in the Final EIR that <br />highlight that the proposed development would contain sufficient onsite open space to serve the <br />needs of its community. To add context to this figure, the Final EIR and the staff report illustrate <br />that utilizing the City's goal of providing two (2) acres of public park and/or recreational area per <br />1,000 residents (SAMC Sec. 35-108), a project of this scale would typically require 4.2 acres of <br />parkland to serve the new residents assuming an occupancy of 2,081 residents. As proposed, <br />the project provides ample open space that exceeds the minimum required by many of the City's <br />existing regulations. In addition, 81.88 acres of Santa Ana parkland exist within three miles of the <br />project site and provide a variety of facilities that include sports fields, exercise equipment, picnic <br />75C-12 <br />