Laserfiche WebLink S&S shall provide 30 days of AMI post -implementation remote support.. Issues will <br />be reported through the current issue reporting process protocol currently in place <br />between The City and S&S. <br /> During this period, S&S will provide a weekly assessment report that indicates issues <br />including, open/closed defects, open issues, training issues, and remaining/open risks as <br />they pertain to the AMI implementation. <br /> Issues will be reported by The City using the current support process in place <br />establishing Tickets in the system and will be coded as ANTI Issues so the implementation <br />team can resolve during the post go Live support period. <br /> Complete Project closure and acceptance results in transition to standard support will <br />be when all Showstopper and High Issues are resolved. Please refer to the 2020 Systems <br />& Software Support Guidelines which defines issue levels. <br />3.5. Project Management <br />3.5.1. PrQject Management under the ANTI Stage I will fall under the enQuesta Upgrade <br />PrQjcct Manager. <br /> The S&S PM will create and update a prQjcct schedule on a monthly basis and submit <br />it to the Customer PM(s) for review and approval. Regular Project Team meetings will <br />be held weekly via conference call. <br />25H-103 Page 96 <br />