Laserfiche WebLink The S&S PM is responsible for ensuring the day-to-day activities for S&S are being <br />carried out in a manner consistent with dcfgned project objectives, industry standards and <br />contractual obligations. <br /> The Customer PM's are responsible for ensuring the Utility's day-to-day activities are <br />being carried out in a manner consistent with defined project objectives, industry <br />standards and contractual obligations. <br />3.5.2. Time Management <br /> Time Management is the process of estimating, scheduling and tracking project <br />activities. The overall project schedule will be managed by the S&S Project Manager to <br />ensure that the project is delivered in a timely manner. All the critical path items will be <br />managed closely by the S&S PM and Customer PMs in their respective areas of <br />responsibility. <br />3.5.3. Resource Management <br /> Resource Management is the responsibility of both the S&S PM and the Customer <br />PM's. Each PM is responsible for the oversight and management of the project team <br />members from their respective organizations which may include employees, contracted <br />consultants and vendors. <br />25 H -104 Page 97 <br />