Laserfiche WebLink The S&S PM will manage S&S resources including all of its subcontractors; the <br />Customer PM's will manage Customer resources, independent contractor for Q&A, and <br />third party vendors. <br /> At no time shall S&S become involved with the oversight or scheduling of Customer <br />resources or the Customer's third party vendors. <br /> It is the responsibility of each PM to ensure proper resources are available as scheduled. <br />in the project plan. This includes, but is not limited to, attendance in training sessions, <br />team meetings, and conference calls, as well as participation in analysis, testing, and all <br />other project activities. <br /> Changes to the project timeline or the project plan that are due solely to the Customer <br />and/or the Customer's third party vendors may result in a change of scope and be subject <br />to Change Control Plan procedures. <br /> Changes to the project timeline or the project schedule that arc due solely to S&S <br />and/or the S&S subcontractors may result in a change of scope and be subject to Change <br />Control Plan procedures. <br /> S&S' project management is fixed for this project at 42 hours per month for a total of <br />b months. If additional time is required the change order process will be executed to <br />25H-105 Page98 <br />