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may more than 10% of the total required units of a students' <br />Academic Plan be completed via Independent Study units. <br />ADD/DROP PERIOD <br />The Add/Drop Period for each course is during the first week of <br />instruction for each respective course. Students wishing to drop <br />from a course within the Add/Drop period must complete and <br />submit all applicable forms to the school by the last day of the <br />Add/Drop period. Students may drop from a course within the <br />Add/Drop Period without the course appearing as a withdraw <br />grade (W or WE) on the student's transcript. The course will also <br />not be considered attempted for the purposes of Satisfactory <br />Academic Progress If dropped within the Add/Drop period. If a <br />student requests to drop all courses in a term during the <br />Add/Drop Period, then the student will be considered requesting <br />a Leave of Absence (LOA) for the term and the LOA policies <br />outlined in this catalog will apply. If the student requests to drop <br />all courses in a term during the Add/Drop Period and does not <br />meet the LOA policies outlined in this catalog, then the student <br />will be required to enroll in at least one course for the respective <br />tern in order to remain enrolled in the school. <br />ATTENDANCE AND TARDINESS <br />The school expects students to attend all scheduled days of their <br />classes. For courses offered through distance education, the <br />school expects students to participate in all live, teleconference <br />sessions of the respective online course. Each student Is <br />designated as either an Attendance Required Student or a Non - <br />Attendance Required Student. An Attendance Required Student is <br />defined as a student whereby an outside entity requires the <br />school to maintain attendance records for the student. A Non - <br />Attendance Required Student is any student not designated as an <br />Attendance Required Student. The School takes attendance for all <br />students for each class during an Attendance Census Period. The <br />Attendance Census Period is during the first week of each <br />scheduled course. After the Attendance Census Period, fandty <br />members will continue to track attendance for Attendance <br />Required Student and may opt to track attendance for Non - <br />Attendance Required Student for the remainder of the course. <br />Faculty members who opt to track attendance may bring to the <br />attention of the school patterns of absenteeism for a student at <br />which point the school may hold counseling sessions with the <br />student in regards to attendance. If there Is no evidence the <br />student was in attendance at the conclusion of a term, the school <br />will attempt to contact the student to hold a counseling session. If <br />the school IS unsuccessful at contacting the student, the student <br />may be administratively dropped from all future courses and <br />withdrawn from the school. Attendance for courses offered <br />through distance education Is based on participation in the live, <br />teleconference sessions scheduled each week for the respective <br />online course. <br />The school schedules and enrolls students into courses each term. <br />In order for a student to remain enrolled in a course, he or she <br />must either (1) attend at least one day of the respective course <br />during that Attendance Census Period, or (2) receive approval for <br />an Attendance Waiver by submitting a written appeal to remain <br />enrolled in the respective course without attending during the <br />Attendance Census Period. Appeals for an Attendance Waiver <br />must state the reason(s) as to why the student will be unable to <br />attend the respective course during the Attendance Census Period <br />and must be submitted prior to the end of the Attendance Census <br />Period. Appeals for an Attendance Waiver are reviewed on a case <br />by case basis and may be approved or denied depending on the <br />reason(s) the Student Is unable to attend and the students past <br />Academics <br />academic performance, which may include, but Is not limited to, <br />past attendance patterns. The school may require the student to <br />provide additional documentation to substantiate the reasoning <br />as to why he or she is unable to attend the respective course <br />during the Attendance Census Period. If a student falls to attend a <br />course during the Attendance Census Period and does not receive <br />approval for an Attendance Waiver, then the student may be <br />dropped from the respective course, <br />If a student is dropped from all courses in a term resulting from a <br />lack of attendance, then the student must provide a written <br />appeal to remain enrolled In the school. The school, in its sole and <br />absolute discretion, will either grant or deny the students appeal <br />to remain enrolled at the school based on the reason(s) the <br />student provides for his or her lack of attendance, the students <br />past attendance patterns and the students past academic history <br />at the school. If the appeal is granted, the student must attend <br />within the Attendance Census Period of his or her next scheduled <br />course and may not drop during the Add/Drop Period of his or her <br />next scheduled course unless approved or they may be withdrawn <br />from the school. If the student does not appeal to remain enrolled <br />at the school within the applicable deadline and/or Is denied his <br />or her appeal to continue, the student will be withdrawn from the <br />school. <br />INTERRUPTIONS <br />SCHEDULED BREAKS <br />Scheduled breaks are Institutional based breaks of5 days or more <br />that either (1) is scheduled for all students based on the Academic <br />Calendar (Io. holidays), or (2) an Individual student may be placed <br />on In the event there is no class available for that student due to <br />scheduling, enrollment conflicts, and/or other reasons as deemed <br />necessary by the college administration. If a student is placed on a <br />scheduled break, he/she will be notified as to the time they are <br />scheduled to return from thelrscheduled break and resume <br />classes. Students who do not return by the scheduled return date <br />may be withdrawn from the school. <br />LEAVE OF ABSENCE (LOA) <br />The purpose of a leave of absence (LOA) is to provide students <br />with the opportunity to leave school for a certain period of time <br />without withdrawing or affecting satisfactory academic progress. <br />An LOA may be granted underthe following circumstances: <br />The student must present a sound reason as to why he or <br />she is requesting an LOA which Include, but are not limited <br />to: medical emergencies, military duty, pregnancy, death of <br />an immediate family member, employment responsibilities, <br />or personal hardships. <br />The reason provided for requesting an LOA must carry a <br />reasonable expectation that the student will return from <br />LOA. <br />Students must be in good academic standing. <br />Requests for LOA must be in writing and Include the reason <br />forthe request. Students must complete an LOA request <br />form available from the school, sign and date It, and <br />attached any additional supporting documentation If <br />necessary. The LOA request form may also be electronically <br />signed. <br />Page 21 of 67 <br />