<br />BS/2004/Civil Engineering/California
<br />State University, Long Beach
<br />Registrations
<br />2014/PE/Civil/CA #83157
<br />Certifications
<br />Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD);
<br />Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP)
<br />#83157
<br />Professional Affiliations
<br />Current Vice President of Technical
<br />Groups for the Los Angeles Section of
<br />American Society of Civil Engineers
<br />(ASCE)
<br />Former Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer,
<br />Secretary, Coasts, Oceans, Ports and
<br />Rivers Institute
<br />American PublicWorks Association
<br />(APWA)
<br />Years of Experience:18
<br />/V
<br />Lisette Bice, PE, QSD, ENV SP
<br />Civil, Permitting
<br />Lisette Bice, PE, QSD, ENV SP, is a dedicated civil engineer highly skilled in all phases of public works
<br />engineering projects. Lisette's expertise includes planning and design of streets, right-of-way engineering,
<br />pedestrian paths (trails) and cyclist safety improvements, grading, sewer, water, and storm drains,
<br />identifying seismic and geometric deficiencies, preparing erosion control plans, SWPPP and permitting.
<br />As project manager, Lisette has been responsible for the preparation of PS&E for a wide range of projects
<br />including street rehabilitation plans and drainage improvements. She successfully completes projects
<br />within budget and on schedule. Lisette is a forward -thinking professional engineer and extremely capable
<br />of identifying public works infrastructure design issues and resourcefully providing environmentally
<br />conscious and cost-effective solutions. Lisette is committed to building and maintaining strong client and
<br />stakeholder relationships through effective communication skills.
<br />Ball Road and Anaheim Boulevard Widening, City of Anaheim, CA.* Project Engineer for the
<br />widening of the Anaheim Boulevard and Ball Road intersection, which is designated as a primary arterial
<br />on Orange County's Master Plan of Arterial Highways and the City's Circulation Element. The project
<br />scope included widening the north, south and east legs of the intersection, as well as adding storm drain
<br />improvements, bicycle lanes, landscaped medians, infiltration basins to address water quality and utility
<br />relocation coordination. In addition, offsite improvements had to be coordinated with each business
<br />owner and included the design of ADA compliant ramps, ADA compliant access to facilities, landscaping,
<br />retaining walls and signage.
<br />Pedestrian Accessibility Improvements Design, City of Long Beach, CA. Project Manager for
<br />providing an evaluation and design of curb ramps to support the Citywide Curb Ramp program. Arch rra
<br />staff managed the development of the City's Self Evaluation/Transition plans and is continuing that work
<br />with the citywide implementation for the placement and upgrade of all curb ramps at approximate 22,000
<br />locations. The project includes ramp evaluation for ADA compliance, schematic and final design, and cost
<br />estimating. To date we have designed 185 ramps.
<br />1-210 Soundwalls, Supplemental Environmental Report (NBSSR) and Plans, Spedfications
<br />and Estimates Phase III, City of La Canada Flintridge, CA. Project Engineer forthe design of three
<br />separate Soundwalls along the 1-210 freeway. The project has included soundwall design along a hillside
<br />slope, several edge of travel ways, and over bridges. As part of this design, the project has involved
<br />significant coordination with the City of La Canada Flintridge, Caltrans, and the design team.
<br />Market Street Complete Streets, (LA River to Cherry Avenue) FTIP #LAF7615, City of Long
<br />Beach, CA. Project Manager providing engineering and design services for a Complete Street Project on
<br />Market Street between the LA River and the eastern city limitjust east of Cherry Avenue, an approximate
<br />1.9-mile stretch of the corridor. The project consists of complete street improvements including the
<br />removal of drive lane to accommodate Class II bike lanes, intersection bulb -outs, wayfinding signage,
<br />sidewalk widening, crosswalk and transit stop enhancements, construction/reconstruction of curb ramps
<br />for ADA compliance, sidewalk and driveway repair, reconstructing/ resurfacing roadway pavement,
<br />pedestrian lighting, signal modifications, landscaping and street trees, and storm drain improvements.
<br />Staff Augmentation - Project Management and Plan Check Services, City of Long Beach, CA.
<br />• Delta Bike Boulevard Project. The $3M project includes Class H and Class III bike lanes and shared lane
<br />markings, traffic circles, a roundabout, pavement repairs, anew traffic signal and wayfinding signage
<br />from Harbor Avenue from 10th Street to 20th Street, and Delta Avenue from 20th Street to Wardlow
<br />City of Santa Ana Water Resources Division
<br />RFP 22-002 1 May 24, 2022 [ B-29 ] /�/ ARDURRA
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