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I <br />LISETTEBICE I ARDURRA I Paget <br />Road (approximately 3-mile corridor). The project is funded through <br />ATP grant and local match. Lisette managed the project and grant <br />funding in collaboration with City staff and design consultant. <br />• 1to 80"Project The City received ATP funding in excess of $6 <br />million in order to create facilities aimed at improving safety and <br />removing mental barriers to walking/cycling for residents, workers, <br />students, schoolchildren and visitors to the City of Long Beach. The <br />8-80 project will provide bike boulevards along two corridors located <br />within the city (4 miles), as well as a road diet (1 mile) with buffered <br />biked lanes. Treatments include traffic circles, roundabouts, new <br />traffic signals, bulb -outs, bridge ADA upgrade, signing, striping, <br />pavement repairs and wayfinding signage. The project is currently in <br />concept phase. Lisette is responsible for managing the project and <br />grant funding in collaboration with City staff and design consultant. <br />• Studebaker Road/SR-22WestboundOn/OffRompProject. Program <br />Manager for the realignment of the SR-22 westbound on/off <br />ramps at the intersection of Studebaker Road that will provide an <br />additional residential road to access adjacent neighborhood. The $6 <br />million project includes new roadway alignments, landscaping, LID's, <br />right-of-way acquisition and stakeholder coordination. The project is <br />being administered by the City of Long Beach with Caltrans oversight <br />and is currently in Project Approval/Environmental Document (PAED) <br />phase. Responsible for managing the project in collaboration with <br />City staff and design consultant. <br />• Plan Check Services for Wireless Telecommunication Facilities and <br />Fiber Optic. Provides ongoing plan check services for the City's newly <br />adopted municipal code for small cell wireless facilities. Lisette <br />works with vendors to interpret the municipal code, prepare plans <br />in accordance with the code, and acts as a liaison to City staff. In <br />addition, Lisette performs plan check for fiber optic applications <br />under the current excavation permit. <br />• Shoreline Way Plan Check. Provides plan check review for multiple <br />fitness improvements. The work included review of the grading <br />plans, water quality plans, structural plans, pavement markings and <br />exercise and fitness equipment. In addition, the specifications were <br />reviewed for completeness and constructability. <br />Plaza del Amo at Western Mobility Enhancement, T-177, City <br />of Torrance, CA. Project Engineer for the preparation of construction <br />documents for the roadway widening of Plaza del Amo from <br />223rd Street to Western Avenue to improve circulation and safety. <br />Improvements include widening of the roadway on the north side, <br />addressing roadway and stormwater deficiencies, restriping, curb <br />and sidewalk and ADA-compliant ramp upgrades. Processed Caltrans <br />Encroachment Permit for modifications and improvements atWestern <br />Storm Drain and Street Design Services, City of Santa Monica, <br />CA.* Project Manager for street and storm drain improvements at <br />three different intersections. Tasks included preparing agendas and <br />summaries for project meetings, conducting right-of-way research, <br />topographical surveying, conducting hydrology studies, providing <br />design services necessary to complete construction drawings, <br />performing a hydraulic analysis, preparing an engineer's estimate, <br />preparing contract specifications and processing necessary permits. <br />Garvey Avenue Grade Separation Drainage Improvement, City <br />of El Monte, (A. Design Lead for improving drainage infrastructure to <br />the Garvey Avenue underpass to alleviate massive flooding during rain <br />events. The project involved upgrades to the existing drainage system, <br />including installation of new catch basins, inlets, and storm drain pipes; <br />improvements to the existing pump station diverting the stormwater to the <br />storm drain system; and implementation of green infrastructure initiatives <br />to retain, reuse, or infiltrate the collected stormwater runoff. Tasks included <br />project management, stakeholder outreach, technical evaluations, right-of- <br />way acquisition, preparing PS&E and aiding with funding opportunities. <br />Berth 200 Rail Yard, POLA, Los Angeles, CA. Project Engineer/ <br />Project Manager for developing PS&E with a focus on site utilities design, <br />including disposition and composite plans showing locations/relocation/ <br />protection of more than 154 existing utilities and substructures. <br />Maintained a permit matrix and provided overall coordination for various <br />permitting agency involvements including: City of Los Angeles, County <br />of Los Angeles, California Coastal Commission, California Public Utilities <br />Commission, Division of Oil and Gas and California Regional Water Quality <br />Control Board. Responsible for the design of a re -water system, domestic <br />water system, gas line to the fueling facility, sewer line to both buildings <br />and a sewer pump station. Also took an active role in the construction of <br />the project as the prime role for design services during construction. This <br />included responding to submittals, RFIs, compiling addendum drawings <br />and coordination with subconsultants. <br />Glendale -Hyperion Viaduct Complex Improvements, City of <br />Los Angeles, CA* Technical Manager providing bridge widening, <br />seismic retrofit, signing and striping, storm drain improvements, water <br />quality improvements, lighting, traffic control, paving and grading <br />design elements. The goal of the project was to seismically retrofit and <br />rehabilitate an existing viaduct complex along the historic corridor of <br />Hyperion Avenue and Glendale Boulevard. The project scope included a <br />seismic retrofit, widening of the existing bridge, inclusion of bike lanes, <br />I-S off ramp realignment, infiltration basin and bioswale, concept plan <br />development, PS&E preparation, stakeholder coordination including <br />Caltrans, LADOT, LADPW, LACFCD and permitting. Design: $4.1 million <br />*Work performed priorto joining Ardurro <br />ARDURRA B-30 City of Santa Ana Water Resources Division <br />RFP 22-002 1 May 24, 2022 <br />