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Education <br />MBA/2005/California State University <br />of Long Beach <br />BS/1998/Civil Engineering/California <br />State University of Pomona <br />Registrations <br />2005/PE/Civil/CA #68384 <br />Certifications <br />California Certified QSD/QSP <br />No.024024 <br />Professional Affiliations <br />Previous Vice President ofTechnical <br />Groups, Los Angeles Section of ASCE <br />Chair, ASCE LA Section - Coasts, <br />Oceans, Ports, Rivers, Institute — <br />2015-17; Vice -Chair — 2014-1 S; <br />Treasurer — 2013-14, Secretary, <br />2012-13 <br />Honors and Awards <br />ASCE Project of the Year 2016 (Airports <br />and Ports), Portoflong Beach: West <br />Basin Approach Borrow Site Project, <br />Project Manager/Project Engineer <br />ASCE Project of the Year 2015 (Urban <br />and Land Development), Century <br />Villages at Cabrillo: Gateway Project, <br />Long Beach, Project Manager <br />Years of Experience:24 <br />ARDURRA <br />Jose Hernandez, PE, QSD <br />Civil, Plan Check, Traffic Control <br />Jose Hernandez, PE, QSD, began his successful career as an intern for (altrans District 12 while completing <br />his undergraduate degree at California State University of Pomona. He most recently served as senior <br />project managerfor a private consulting firm responsible for overseeing projects of varying size and <br />complexity through design, permitting and construction. He is well -versed with design standards, <br />techniques and analytical methods, bid specifications, and cost estimating. Jose's accomplished projects <br />have won ASCE Project of the Year for Airports and Ports and for Urban and Land Development. <br />RELEVANT EXPERIENCE <br />On -Call Engineering and Design Services for Public Works Projects, City of Anaheim, CA. Ardurra <br />has provided engineering design services for various street design projects, including the following: <br />• Lincoln Avenue Improvements. Project Manager for design services for this widening project, which <br />will widen 3,000 feet of Lincoln Avenue from East Street to Evergreen Street. The project widens <br />Lincoln Avenue from a 4- to 6-lane divided street within the project limits. The scope included removal <br />of existing improvements, clearing and grubbing, excavation, placement of new AC pavement, <br />construction of concrete curb and gutter, driveways, access ramps, sidewalks, bus pads, drainage <br />system improvements, relocation of existing facilities, installation of traffic signal at the intersection <br />of Lincoln Avenue and La Plaza, traffic signal modifications, signing, striping, landscaping, and aWQMP. <br />Landscaped medians along Lincoln Avenue and along the project roadways include drought -tolerant <br />and low -maintenance plantings and trees. Project successes included streamlining traffic flow, <br />increased drainage capacity, and an overall enhanced street appearance. <br />• KatelfirAvenue Widening. Project Manager for preparing PS&E for design services to widen the south <br />side of Katella Avenue adjacent to the Anaheim Convention Center. This project included widening <br />Katella; reconstructing a bus turnout; adding water quality structures; reconstructing offsite <br />landscaping, irrigation, fixed bollards, retractable bollards, vehicular maintenance pathway, and <br />decorative hardscape; and installation of two new electronic changeable message sign systems located <br />in the median island. Significant coordination is involved with the various Anaheim departments, as <br />well as with various utility companies and Anaheim Convention Center staff. Also provided construction <br />support throughout the construction duration of the project. <br />As -Needed Engineering Design Services for Various CIP Projects, City of Brea, CA. Project <br />Manager responsible for providing as -needed design and civil engineering services for the City's <br />capital improvement projects that include street improvements, traffic safety enhancements, water <br />improvements, storm drain improvements, sewer improvements, facility improvements, and community <br />facility district improvements. Projects to date include design services for the Country Lane Street <br />Rehabilitation CIP 7323 project and a Feasibility Study for the Berry Street Sidewalks CIP 7324 project. <br />On -Call Civil Engineering — Street Design/Rehabilitation Projects/City of Long Beach, CA. <br />Ardurra staff has prepared PS&Efor more than $16 million in improvements since 2009 and continues <br />to work with the City. The projects encompass roadway, storm drain, parking lot improvements, traffic, <br />lighting, and landscape improvements, design of more than 250 ADA-compliant curbs and ramps, and <br />focused on many of the major roadways within the city. Consistently providing well -designed projects to <br />the City and facilitating smooth construction, some of the projects have included Market Street Pedestrian <br />Improvements, (LA River to Cherry Avenue); Atlantic Avenue Pedestrian Enhancements; Atlantic Avenue/ <br />Claiborne Drive Bulb -out; Atherton Street and Magnolia Avenue Street Rehabilitation; and Alamitos <br />Avenue Rehabilitation Improvements. <br />City ofSanta <br />Ana Water May24,2022 Resources Division � B-31 ] / �ARDURRA <br />RFP22-OOZ May24,2022 <br />